Any person claiming such goods, wares, merchandise or other property so seized as contraband within the time specified in the notice may file with the department a claim in writing, stating his interest in the articles seized, and may execute a bond to the department in a penal sum equal to double the value of the goods so seized, but in no case less than the sum of one hundred dollars, with sureties to be approved by the clerk of court in the county in which the goods are seized, conditioned that in the case of condemnation of the articles so seized the obligors shall pay to the department the full value of the goods so seized and all costs and expenses of the proceedings to obtain such condemnation, including a reasonable attorney's fee. Upon the delivery of such bond to the department it shall transmit it with the duplicate list or description of the goods seized to the solicitor of the circuit in which such seizure was made and the solicitor shall prosecute the case to secure the forfeiture of such goods, wares, merchandise, or other property in the court having jurisdiction. Upon the filing of the bond aforesaid the goods shall be delivered to the claimant pending the outcome of such case.
S.C. Code § 12-21-2930