- Section 11-9-10 - Money to be spent only for purpose or activity specifically appropriated
- Section 11-9-15 - Use of state funds for function at club practicing discrimination prohibited
- Section 11-9-20 - Disbursing officers exceeding or transferring appropriations
- Section 11-9-30 - Transfer of funds upon transfer of personnel
- Section 11-9-40 - Statement to General Assembly
- Section 11-9-50 - Accounts to be itemized and verified
- Section 11-9-70 - Neglect or failure to remit funds
- Section 11-9-75 - State funds to be withheld from counties or municipalities delinquent in payments due to State or its agencies
- Section 11-9-80 - Fiscal year starts July 1 and ends June 30
- Section 11-9-85 - Tax and fee revenues to be calculated on accrual basis
- Section 11-9-90 - Sale of state general obligation bonds of different issues as though they constituted a single issue
- Section 11-9-95 - Transfer of agency funds to pay debts prior to closing books for fiscal year
- Section 11-9-105 - Contracts for legal or consultant services
- Section 11-9-110 - Organization to which contribution is appropriated to submit statement to Executive Budget Office and the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office as to nature and function of organization and use of contribution
- Section 11-9-115 - Certain purchases made by State not subject to fair trade contracts
- Section 11-9-125 - Order of expenditure of funds by state agencies; remittance of certain funds to state general fund
- Section 11-9-130 - Funds for capital improvement projects not on state-owned property
- Section 11-9-140 - Transfer of capital improvement bond balances to Bond Contingency Revolving Fund; exemptions; determination and review