Iowa Code § 425.5
If the assessor who last listed and valued a claimed eligible homestead did not, in the description and valuation thereof, comply with the provisions of section 428.7, the assessor shall, if still in office, on the written request of such claimant and without expense to the claimant or to the county, correct the listing and valuations of such claimed homestead and contiguous real property originally listed and valued by the assessor, and file such corrected listing and valuations with the county auditor, who forthwith shall certify the same to the county treasurer, and said county treasurer shall so correct the tax books; provided, that if the assessor who last listed and valued such property is not still in office, the assessor in office shall, on such written request and at the expense of the county, so correct such listing and valuations of said homestead and said contiguous real property.
Iowa Code § 425.5
Referred to in §25B.7, 331.559