Section 80.47 - Public safety survivor benefits fund1. A public safety survivor benefits fund is established in the state treasury under the control of the department. The fund shall consist of moneys transferred to the fund pursuant to section 99G.39 and any other moneys appropriated to or deposited in the fund. Moneys in the fund are appropriated to the department for the purposes set forth in subsection 2.2.a. Of the moneys credited to the fund in a fiscal year, the department shall distribute fifty percent in the form of grants to nonprofit organizations that provide resources to assist surviving families of eligible peace officers killed in the line of duty in paying costs associated with accident or health care coverage pursuant to section 509A.13C. In awarding such grants, the department shall give first consideration to concerns of police survivors, inc., and similar nonprofit organizations providing such resources.b. Of the moneys credited to the fund in a fiscal year, the department shall distribute fifty percent in the form of grants to nonprofit organizations that provide resources to assist surviving families of eligible fire fighters killed in the line of duty in paying costs associated with accident or health care coverage pursuant to section 509A.13C. In awarding such grants, the department shall give first consideration to Iowa professional fire fighters, inc., and similar nonprofit organizations providing such resources.3. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys in the fund that remain unencumbered or unobligated at the close of a fiscal year shall not revert but shall remain available for expenditure for the purposes designated. Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2, interest or earnings on moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund.Added by 2019 Iowa, ch 163, s 38, eff. 7/1/2019.