You may be responsible for payment to (insert name of residential contractor) for the cost of all goods and services provided whether or not you receive payment from any property and casualty insurance policy with respect to the damage. Pursuant to Iowa law your contract with (insert name of residential contractor) to provide goods and services to repair damage resulting from a naturally occurring catastrophe including but not limited to a fire, earthquake, tornado, windstorm, flood, or hail storm is void and you have no responsibility for payment under the contract if (insert name of residential contractor) either advertises or promises to rebate all or any portion of your insurance deductible, or represents or negotiates, or offers to represent or negotiate, on your behalf with your property and casualty insurance company on any insurance claim relating to the damage you have contracted to have repaired. Your signature below acknowledges your understanding of these legal obligations and rights.
Iowa Code § 103A.71
2012 Acts, ch 1116, §1, 2
Referred to in §515.137A