All gifts and bequests with a value of fifty dollars or more received by a department or accepted by the governor on behalf of the state shall be reported within twenty days of receiving the gift or bequest to the Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure board, using the board's internet reporting system. The Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure board shall, by January 31 of each year, submit to the fiscal services division of the legislative services agency a written report listing all gifts and bequests received during the previous calendar year with a value over one thousand dollars and the purpose for each such gift or bequest. The submission shall also include a listing of all gifts and bequests received by a department from a person if the cumulative value of all gifts and bequests received by the department from the person during the previous calendar year exceeds one thousand dollars, and the Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure board shall include, if available, the purpose for each such gift or bequest. However, the reports on gifts or bequests filed by the state board of regents and the Iowa state fair board pursuant to section 8.44 shall be deemed sufficient to comply with the requirements of this section.
Iowa Code § 68B.22A