Iowa Code § 48A.31

Current through March 29, 2024
Section 48A.31 - Deceased persons record

The state registrar of vital statistics shall transmit or cause to be transmitted to the state registrar of voters, once each calendar quarter, a certified list of all persons seventeen years of age and older in the state whose deaths have been reported to the state registrar of vital statistics since the previous list of decedents was certified to the state registrar of voters. The list shall be submitted according to the specifications of the state registrar of voters and shall be transmitted to the state registrar of voters without charge for production or transmission. The commissioner shall, in the month following the end of a calendar quarter, run the statewide voter registration system's matching program to determine whether a listed decedent was registered to vote in the county and shall immediately cancel the registration of any person named on the list of decedents.

Iowa Code § 48A.31

94 Acts, ch 1169, §32; 2002 Acts, ch 1119, §123; 2009 Acts, ch 57, §19; 2017 Acts, ch 110, §5; 2023 Acts, ch 19, § 40

Amended by 2023 Iowa, ch 19, s 40, eff. 7/1/2023.
Amended by 2017 Iowa, ch 110, s 5, eff. 5/5/2017.
94 Acts, ch 1169, §32; 2002 Acts, ch 1119, §123; 2009 Acts, ch 57, §19

Section amended