Section 50-8-80 - DefinitionsAs used in this article, the term:
(1) "Area" means a standard metropolitan statistical area located wholly within this state as defined by the United States Executive Office of the President, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area 1967, Part I Criteria, Office of Management and Budget, subject to any changes made by the Board of Community Affairs pursuant to Code Section 50-8-30. No area, county, or municipality may be designated as an "area" and added to this commission and come under the effective operation of this article without the affirmative vote of such area, county, or municipality or its governing body.(2) "Area plan" means a written proposal that involves governmental action, expenditure of public funds, use of public property, or the exercise of franchise rights granted by any public body and which affects the citizens of more than one political subdivision of an area and which may have a substantial effect on the development of an area. Area plans may involve, but shall not be limited to, such matters as land use (not including zoning), water and sewerage systems, storm drainage systems, parks and open spaces, airports, highways and transit facilities, hospitals, public buildings, and other community facilities and services.(3) "Commission" means a metropolitan area planning and development commission created in accordance with Code Section 50-8-82.(4) "Development guides" means the comprehensive development guides adopted by a commission in accordance with Code Section 50-8-92.(5) "District" means a district created pursuant to paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of Code Section 50-8-84.(6) "Governing body" means the board of commissioners of a county or the mayor and city council of a municipality or other legislative body which governs a county or municipality.(7) "Members at large" means those members of a commission elected pursuant to paragraph (6) of subsection (a) of Code Section 50-8-84.(8) "Municipality" means an incorporated municipality of this state lying primarily within the area.(9) "Political subdivision" means a county or municipality of this state lying wholly or partially within the area.(10) "Public members" means those members of a commission holding office pursuant to paragraphs (1) through (5) of subsection (a) of Code Section 50-8-84.(11) "Redistricting" means a redistricting of an area after publication of a United States decennial census in accordance with paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of Code Section 50-8-84.