(a) Any person desiring to become a candidate at any election for the office of mayor may become a candidate by filing in the office of the judge of probate of the county in which the city is situated, a statement in writing of his or her candidacy, accompanied by a petition signed by one-fourth of one percent of the registered voters of the city endorsing the candidacy of the candidate and by an affidavit taken and certified by the judge of probate or by a notary public that the person is duly qualified to hold the office for which he or she desires to be a candidate. The statement shall be filed no earlier than the fourth Tuesday in August and no later than the second Tuesday in September preceding the election, and shall be in substantially the following form: "State of Alabama, ________ County. I, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am a citizen of the City of ________, in the State and County, and reside at ________ in the City of ________, that I desire to become a candidate for the office of mayor in the city at the election for the office to be held on the ________ day of October next and that I am duly qualified to hold the office if elected thereto and I hereby request that my name be printed upon the official ballot at the election. Signed ________; subscribed and sworn to before me by the ________ on this ________ day of ________, 2___ , and filed in this office for record on that day. ________, Judge of Probate."