Current through the 2024 Regular Session.
Section 45-44-101 - Election; qualifications; vacancies; compensation(a) That at the next general election and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected a County Superintendent of Education for Macon County by the qualified voters of the county, who shall hold office for a term of four years from the first day in July and until a successor is elected and qualified.(b) Candidates for office of county superintendent of education shall be nominated and elected as candidates for other county offices of Macon County are nominated and elected under the general laws of this state regulating primary and general elections.(c) The county superintendent of education shall be a qualified elector of the county and possess all the other qualifications required under the general laws of this state for county superintendents of education, and he or she shall perform and discharge all the duties of county superintendent of education, required under the general laws of this state. If there be a vacancy in the office from any cause whatever, the county board of education is authorized to fill the vacancy as is provided by the general law of the state and the appointee shall hold office until the next general election.(d)(1) The county superintendent of education shall devote his or her entire time to the public schools of Macon County.(2) All laws to the contrary notwithstanding, the Macon County Board of Education is authorized, from time to time, to fix, regulate, and alter the salary of the Macon County Superintendent of Education pursuant to Section 16-9-12. The Macon County Board of Education shall increase or set expense allowances and any other compensation or supplement for the Macon County Superintendent of Education as provided by law.(e) All general laws of the state relating to the office of county superintendent of education shall apply to the office of County Superintendent of Education of Macon County, except such parts of laws as are in conflict with this section.Ala. Code § 45-44-101 (1975)
Acts 1935, No. 102, p. 38, §§ 1-5; Act 79-579, p. 1041, § 1; Act 81-586, p. 972, § 1; Act 91-502, p. 891, § 1; Act 2002-336, p. 905, § 1.