To be eligible to receive proceeds from the fire protection fee, each department shall be a member in good standing in the Elmore County Firefighters Association. For the purpose of this part, good standing is defined as being current on all association dues, being incorporated as a nonprofit organization, having a bonded official responsible for the use of any proceeds of the fire protection fee, and, except for municipal fire departments, being recognized by the Alabama Forestry Commission as a volunteer fire department. A municipal fire department may have paid employees provided the employees are not paid from the proceeds from the fire protection fee. Departments not in good standing may be subject to withholding of proceeds from the fire protection fee until their good standing status has been restored. Upon the dissolution or abandonment of any eligible department, remaining proceeds, assets purchased with proceeds, and future proceeds from the fire protection fee shall be divided among the departments that take over coverage of the territory of the dissolved department after all outstanding financial obligations have been satisfied.
Ala. Code § 45-26-141.04 (1975)