Ala. Code § 45-22-243.66

Current through the 2024 Regular Session.
Section 45-22-243.66 - Charge for collection; disposition of funds

The State Department of Revenue shall charge Cullman County for collecting the special county taxes levied such amount or percentage of total collections as may be agreed upon by the Commissioner of Revenue and the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of the county, but such charge shall not in any event exceed 10 percent of the total amount of special county taxes collected hereunder within the county. Such charge for collecting the special taxes for the county may be deducted each month from the special sales and special use taxes collected before certifying the amount of the proceeds thereof due Cullman County for that month. The Commissioner of Revenue shall pay into the State Treasury all county taxes collected under this subpart, as such taxes are received by the Department of Revenue; and on or before the first day of each successive month (commencing with the month following the month in which the department makes the first collections hereunder), the commissioner shall certify to the Comptroller the amount of taxes collected under this subpart and paid by him or her into the State Treasury for the benefit of Cullman County during the month immediately preceding the making of such certificate. Provided, however, that before certifying the amount of the taxes paid into the State Treasury for the benefit of Cullman County during each month, the commissioner may deduct from the taxes collected in the month the charges due the department for the collection of the taxes for the county. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller to issue his or her warrant each month payable to the custodian of the public school funds of Cullman County, in his or her official capacity, in an amount equal to the amount so certified by the Commissioner of Revenue as having been collected for the use of the county. The custodian of public school funds for Cullman County shall deposit the revenue derived from the taxes levied herein into the general fund of the Cullman County school system. The net proceeds derived from the taxes levied by this subpart shall be distributed as follows: The custodian of public school funds shall pay annually to the governing body of Cullman County and to the City of Cullman each the sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500) which shall be payable at the rate of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per month for 11 months and one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the 12th month. Funds payable to the county governing body shall be paid into the county general fund and funds payable to the City of Cullman shall be paid to the city treasurer. Such funds shall be kept separate and apart from other funds and shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting industrial development or for recreational purposes. Exclusive of the twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) heretofore allocated to the county governing body of Cullman County and the City of Cullman to be used for the purpose of promoting industrial development or for recreational purposes, the remaining proceeds shall be divided as follows: Sixty percent to the Board of Education of Cullman County and forty percent the City of Cullman payable on a monthly basis. The board of education's share of the proceeds shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, including transportation, capital outlay, maintenance and up-keep of buildings, and current expenses other than teachers' salaries. The city's share of the proceeds other than that specifically allocated by this subpart for the promotion of industrial development and for recreational purposes shall be used for general municipal purposes.

Ala. Code § 45-22-243.66 (1975)