Each restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, lunch counter or public eating house where meals, food or refreshments are furnished or served and charged for shall pay the following license taxes:
Seating capacity shall be computed as of October 1; provided, that if a restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, lunch counter or other public eating house should increase its seating capacity after paying the license tax as above provided before January 1, next, it shall be liable for additional tax based on the above schedule; should the seating capacity be increased after January 1 and before April 1, it shall be liable for an additional tax based on the acquired number of seats, but shall be taxed only for three fourths of the additional tax; should the seating capacity be increased after April 1, it shall be liable for one half of the additional tax based on the then acquired seating capacity.
The foregoing schedule shall not apply to regular druggists or operators of ice cream parlors paying a soda fountain license and who serve sandwiches, but do not serve meals or lunches, nor to employers operating on their own premises nonprofit restaurants or lunchrooms for the service of meals and lunches to their employees.
Hotels operating two restaurants or dining rooms, in connection with the hotel and under the same ownership or management, shall compute their seating capacity on the combined seats of both restaurants or dining rooms and shall be required to secure only one license.
The provisions hereof shall not apply to restaurants, cafes, cafeterias or lunch counters operated in connection with, by or as a part of any school, college or university.
Ala. Code § 40-12-151 (1975)