- Section 36-6-1 - "Employee" defined; time of payment of salaries generally
- Section 36-6-2 - Succeeding officer entitled to salary for day upon which inducted into office
- Section 36-6-3 - Salary of officer or employee filling, etc., more than one office, position, etc
- Section 36-6-4 - Receipt of additional salary or compensation from funds of United States or philanthropic source
- Section 36-6-5 - State Personnel Board to provide for salaries of classified or unclassified employees in pay plan of Merit System
- Section 36-6-6 - Certain salaries to be fixed by Governor in accordance with State Personnel Board recommendations; considerations
- Section 36-6-7 - Applicability of provisions of Sections 36-6-5 and 36-6-6
- Section 36-6-8 - Salaries of constitutional officers, persons not covered by Merit System and persons whose salary not set by Governor
- Section 36-6-10 - Voluntary diminution of salary
- Section 36-6-11 - Longevity pay
- Section 36-6-12 - Credit for service in determination of longevity payments