Section 24-6-4 - Powers and duties; fund; Sunset provision(a) The commission, in an advisory capacity, shall be the principal staff agency of the executive branch to provide, with the cooperation of other departments of state governmental units, a comprehensive housing program and procedures which include the relevance for housing programs administered by the state and the governmental structures required to put such programs into effect. The commission, through its administrator, shall perform all the duties and exercise all the powers and authority relative to modular housing, manufactured buildings, manufactured housing, and pre-HUD 1976 mobile homes, heretofore vested in the Fire Marshal's Division within the State Department of Insurance, and other implied powers. All the functions, powers, authority, and duties provided by law, specifically, but not limited to: Sections 24-5-1 through 24-5-14; 24-5-30 through 24-5-34; and 24-4A-1 through 24-4A-7, all books, records, and supplies, pursuant to and under the authority of the aforesaid code sections through legislative budgetary authority and duties provided by law, specifically, but not limited to: Sections 24-5-1 through 24-5-14; 24-5-30 through 24-5-34; and 24-4A-1 through 24-4A-7, and all books, records, supplies, equipment, documents, files, papers, materials, and personnel of the Fire Marshal's Division subject to and authorized by, or under these various code sections and related thereto are also hereby transferred to the commission.(b) There is established a revolving fund in the State Treasury to be known as the "Alabama Manufactured Housing Commission Fund" (Fund). Any proceeds remaining at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the State General Fund, but shall carry forward to the succeeding fiscal years in the fund for the use of the commission. All proceeds from federal grants, loans, funds, fees, and state or federal appropriations received or collected by the commission heretofore or hereafter are so appropriated and shall be deposited in the fund, and used only for and to the enurement of this commission.(c) The commission is authorized, through its administrator, to promulgate such rules and regulations not inconsistent with this chapter as are implied or stated as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, pertaining specifically to the manufacture, transportation, or site location of said manufactured and modular housing and buildings and building programs in the State of Alabama. The commission is further authorized, through its administrator, to promulgate such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary to meet the requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the National Fire Protection Association, or any other recognized standards.(d) The advisory board may recommend a schedule of fees to the administrator, who, through commission rules and regulations, will establish the fees to pay the cost incurred by the said commission for the work related to the administration and enforcement of this chapter. All fees, funds, and moneys received or collected by the commission are hereby appropriated to the commission and shall be deposited in the fund to be used only for the enrichment of the commission.(e) The commission, through its administrator, may enter into any contracts with public or private agencies and said contracts shall be submitted to the Contract Review Permanent Legislative Oversight Committee for approval.(f) The administrator is authorized to set qualifications for employees of the commission and compensation through the state Merit System for the necessary employees to carry out the provisions of this chapter. The administrator and all other current Merit System employees shall retain their Merit System status under this chapter. The Governor is authorized to set the qualifications and compensation of future administrators. The members of the advisory board shall serve only in an advisory capacity and may make recommendations to the Governor for the hiring or firing of the administrator. The Governor has the sole authority to hire or fire the administrator.(g) The administrator shall serve as the department head for the purposes of all commission business, including, but not limited to, the hiring and firing of commission employees under the rules of the State Personnel Board for state Merit System employees, as required to perform the duties and responsibilities necessary in order to accomplish the state and federal regulatory functions of the agency including implementation of the state plan on file with the Department of Housing and Urban Development.(h) The commission, through its administrator, is authorized to: Make comprehensive and detailed plans for combating the shortage of safe and sanitary housing in Alabama; apply for and accept advances, loans, grants, contributions, and any other forms of assistance from the federal government, state or other public body, or from any other source, public or private; enter into and carry out contracts or agreements in connection with programs funded by the aforesaid sources to serve a public purpose and benefit the citizens of the State of Alabama; and prepare proper legislation to administer the programs.(i) This chapter shall not prevent an agency or department of state government from administering the program for which they are responsible.(j) The operations of the commission shall be subject to termination October 1, 2001, and every fourth year thereafter unless continued in accordance with the Alabama Sunset Law.Ala. Code § 24-6-4 (1975)
Acts 1985, No. 85-691, p. 1109, §4; Act 99-355, p. 553, §1.