Browse as ListSearch Within- ARTICLE 1. General Provisions 8200-8209
- ARTICLE 1.1. Online Portal for Child Care and Development Services 8209.6
- ARTICLE 2. Resource and Referral Programs 8210-8216
- ARTICLE 3. Alternative Payment Programs 8220-8227.7
- ARTICLE 6. Migrant Child Care and Development Programs 8230-8233
- ARTICLE 7. California State Preschool Programs 8235-8239.1
- ARTICLE 8. General Child Care and Development Programs 8240-8244
- ARTICLE 8.5. Family Child Care Home Education Networks 8245-8247
- ARTICLE 9. Child Care and Development Services for Children with Special Needs 8250-8252
- ARTICLE 10. Administration 8255-8264.8
- ARTICLE 11. Reimbursement Rates 8265-8272.1
- ARTICLE 11.5. Family Fees 8273-8273.3
- ARTICLE 12. Allocations and Expenditures 8275-8279.7
- ARTICLE 13. Legislative Report
- ARTICLE 13.5. Transfer of Information 8282
- ARTICLE 14. Advisory Committee 8286
- ARTICLE 15. Local Programs 8320-8331
- ARTICLE 15.1. Individualized Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Marin, Monterey, San Benito, San Diego, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, and Sonoma Child Care Subsidy Plans 8332-8332.8
- ARTICLE 15.2. Child Care Subsidy Plan for the City and County of San Francisco 8335-8335.6
- ARTICLE 15.4. Individualized County of San Mateo Child Care Subsidy Plan 8347-8347.5
- ARTICLE 15.5. Child Care for Recipients of the CalWORKs Program 8350-8359.1
- ARTICLE 16. Child Development Program Personnel Qualifications 8360-8370
- ARTICLE 16.5. Fraud And Overpayments 8385
- ARTICLE 18. Administrative Review 8400-8409
- ARTICLE 19. 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Program 8420-8428
- ARTICLE 20. Direct Service Contract Procedure 8440-8447.5
- ARTICLE 21. Direct Service Contract Audit Requirements 8448-8450
- ARTICLE 22. After School Kids Code Grant Pilot Program 8460-8461
- ARTICLE 22.5. After School Learning and Safe Neighborhoods Partnerships Program 8483.3-8484.5
- ARTICLE 22.5. After School Education and Safety Program 8482-8484.65
- ARTICLE 22.6. 21st Century Community Learning Centers 8484.7-8484.9
- ARTICLE 23. Child Supervision Programs 8485-8488
- ARTICLE 23.5. Inclusive Early Education Expansion 8492
- ARTICLE 24. Child Care and Development Facilities Capital Outlay 8493-8498