- Section 14169.50 - Legislative findings and declaration
- Section 14169.51 - Definitions
- Section 14169.52 - Quality assurance fee imposed on general acute care hospitals
- Section 14169.53 - Payment of fees
- Section 14169.54 - Private hospitals paid supplemental amounts for outpatient services
- Section 14169.55 - Private hospitals paid supplemental amounts for inpatient services
- Section 14169.56 - Capitation payments to managed health care plans increased
- Section 14169.57 - Increased capitation payments expended on hospital services
- Section 14169.58 - Designated public hospitals paid direct grants in support of expenditures
- Section 14169.59 - Supplemental payments determined during rebase calculation year
- Section 14169.60 - Payments not included in calculation of low-income percent or OBRA payment limitation
- Section 14169.61 - Data and other information used to determine payments
- Section 14169.62 - Correction of errors in data
- Section 14169.63 - Fees imposed and payments made based upon letter of likely federal approval
- Section 14169.64 - Modification of timelines
- Section 14169.65 - Payments upon receipt of letter indicating likely federal approval
- Section 14169.66 - Disbursement from fund
- Section 14169.67 - Payments only if fee payment obligation exists
- Section 14169.68 - Program period
- Section 14169.69 - Duties of director
- Section 14169.70 - Manner of implementing article
- Section 14169.71 - Authority to reduce payments
- Section 14169.72 - When article becomes operative
- Section 14169.73 - Declaration article inoperative
- Section 14169.74 - Report regarding General Fund benefit
- Section 14169.75 - Date article becomes inoperative
- Section 14169.76 - Repeal of article