Cal. Welf. and Inst. Code § 5813.5

Current through 2023 Legislative Session
Section 5813.5 - Generally
(a) Counties shall use funds distributed pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 5891 for the provision of behavioral health services under Sections 5801, 5802, 5806, and 5891.5 to county behavioral health programs. This part does not obligate the counties to use funds from any other source for services pursuant to this part.
(b) Services shall be available to eligible adults and older adults, as defined in Section 5892.
(c) Funding shall be provided at sufficient levels to ensure counties can provide each adult and older adult served pursuant to this part with the medically necessary mental health and substance use disorder treatment services and medications identified during the service planning process pursuant to Section 5806, which are in the applicable client clinical record.
(1) To maximize federal financial participation in furtherance of subdivision (d) of Section 5890, a county shall submit claims for reimbursement to the State Department of Health Care Services in accordance with applicable Medi-Cal rules and procedures for a behavioral health service or supportive service eligible for reimbursement pursuant to Title XIX or XXI of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396, et seq. and 1397aa, et seq.) when such service is paid, in whole or in part, using funds from the Behavioral Health Services Fund established pursuant to Section 5890.
(A) To maximize funding from other sources, a county shall seek reimbursement for a behavioral health service, supportive service, housing intervention, or other related activity provided pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 5892 that is covered by or can be paid from another available funding source, including other mental health funds, substance use disorder funds, public and private insurance, and other local, state, and federal funds. This paragraph does not require counties to exhaust other funding sources before using behavioral health services fund moneys to pay for a service or related activity.
(B) A county shall make a good faith effort to enter into contracts, single case agreements, or other agreements to obtain reimbursement with health care service plans and disability insurance plans, pursuant to Section 1374.72 of the Health and Safety Code and Section 10144.5 of the Insurance Code.
(C) A county shall submit requests for prior authorization for services, request letters of agreement for payment as an out-of-network provider, and pursue other means to obtain reimbursement in accordance with state and federal laws.
(A) A county may report to the Department of Managed Health Care or the Department of Insurance, as appropriate, complaints about a health plan's or a health insurer's failure to make a good faith effort to contract or enter into a single case agreement or other agreements to obtain reimbursement with the county.
(B) A county may also report to the Department of Managed Health Care or the Department of Insurance, respectively, a failure by a health plan or insurer to timely reimburse the county for services the plan or insurer must cover as required by state or federal law, including, but not limited to, Sections 1374.72 and 1374.721 of the Health and Safety Code and Sections 10144.5 and 10144.52 of the Insurance Code.
(C) Upon receipt of a complaint from a county, the Department of Managed Health Care or the Department of Insurance, as applicable, shall timely investigate the complaint.
(d) Each county behavioral health program's integrated plan pursuant to Section 5963.02 shall provide for services to eligible adults and older adults, as defined in Section 5892, in accordance with the system of care for adults and older adults.
(e) Planning for services shall be consistent with the philosophy, principles, and practices of the Recovery Vision for behavioral health consumers:
(1) To promote concepts key to the recovery for individuals who have a mental illness or substance use disorder, or both: hope, personal empowerment, respect, social connections, self-responsibility, and self-determination.
(2) To promote consumer-operated services as a way to support recovery.
(3) To reflect the cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity of behavioral health consumers by addressing the inequities in behavioral health service delivery.
(4) To plan for each consumer's individual needs.
(f) The integrated plan for each county pursuant to Section 5963.02 shall indicate, subject to the availability of funds as determined by Part 4.5 (commencing with Section 5890) and other funds available for behavioral health services as defined in Section 5892, that eligible adults and older adults, as defined in Section 5892, being served by this program are either receiving services from this program or have a mental illness or substance use disorder that is not sufficiently severe to require the level of services required of this program.
(1) Each county integrated plan and annual update pursuant to Section 5963.02 shall consider ways to provide mental health services similar to those established pursuant to the Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction Grant Program.
(2) Funds shall not be used to pay for persons incarcerated in state prison.
(3) Funds may be used to provide services to persons who are participating in a presentencing or postsentencing diversion program or who are on parole, probation, postrelease community supervision, or mandatory supervision or in a community reentry program.
(4) When included in county integrated plans pursuant to Section 5963.02, funds may be used for the provision of mental health services under Sections 5347 and 5348 in counties that elect to participate in the Assisted Outpatient Treatment Demonstration Project Act of 2002 (Article 9 (commencing with Section 5345) of Chapter 2 of Part 1) and for the provision of services to clients pursuant to Part 8 (commencing with Section 5970).
(1) The department shall contract for services with county behavioral health programs pursuant to Section 5897.
(2) After November 2, 2004, the term "grants," as used in Sections 5814 and 5814.5, shall refer to those contracts.
(i) For purposes of this section, "behavioral health services" shall have the meaning as defined in subdivision (j) of Section 5892.
(j) For purposes of this section, "substance use disorder" shall have the meaning as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 5891.5.
(k) For purposes of this section, "substance use disorder treatment services" shall have the meaning as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 5891.5.
(l) For purposes of this section, "supportive services" shall have the meaning as defined in subdivision (h) of Section 5887.
(m) This section shall become operative on July 1, 2026, if amendments to the Mental Health Services Act are approved by the voters at the March 5, 2024, statewide primary election.

Ca. Welf. and Inst. Code § 5813.5

Added by Stats 2023 ch 790 (SB 326),s 40, eff. 4/17/2024, Approved in Proposition 1 at the March 5, 2024, election..