Cal. Wat. Code § 22977
In the event that the board of the El Dorado Irrigation District determines that it may be for the best interests of the district for the district to have seven divisions for the purposes of Part 5 (commencing with Section 21550), it may propose, by resolution, the creation of seven divisions, the boundaries of which are set forth therein. The resolution shall be published pursuant to Section 6066 of the Government Code together with a notice of a hearing to be held to consider the proposal. At the time stated in the notice for the hearing, the board shall consider the proposal and hear any owners of taxable property within the district who desire to support or oppose the proposal. If after the hearing, the board determines that it is for the best interests of the district to have the seven divisions with boundaries as proposed or as amended at the hearing, it shall, by resolution, establish the divisions and describe their boundaries. Upon the adoption of the resolution establishing seven divisions, the board shall appoint two additional directors at large who shall serve until the next general district election.
Notwithstanding the adoption of the resolution establishing the seven divisions, the five directors in office at the time of such establishment shall continue to serve until the next general district election. At such general district election, a director shall be elected in each of the seven divisions established by the board's resolution. The directors elected at such election shall classify themselves by lot so that three shall serve for terms of two years and four shall serve for terms of four years. Thereafter, their successors shall serve for terms of four years.
Ca. Water Code § 22977