If the taxable income is: | The tax is: |
Not over $3,650 ........................ | 1% of the taxable income |
Over $3,650 but not over $8,650 ........................ | $36.50 plus 2% of the excess over $3,650 |
Over $8,650 but not over $13,650 ........................ | $136.50 plus 4% of the excess over $8,650 |
Over $13,650 but not over $18,950 ........................ | $336.50 plus 6% of the excess over $13,650 |
Over $18,950 but not over $23,950 ........................ | $654.50 plus 8% of the excess over $18,950 |
Over $23,950 ........................ | $1,054.50 plus 9.3% of the excess over $23,950 |
If the taxable income is: | The tax is: |
Not over $7,300 ........................ | 1% of the taxable income |
Over $7,300 but not over $17,300 ........................ | $73 plus 2% of the excess over $7,300 |
Over $17,300 but not over $22,300 ........................ | $273 plus 4% of the excess over $17,300 |
Over $22,300 but not over $27,600 ........................ | $473 plus 6% of the excess over $22,300 |
Over $27,600 but not over $32,600 ........................ | $791 plus 8% of the excess over $27,600 |
Over $32,600 ........................ | $1,191 plus 9.3% of the excess over $32,600 |
Ca. Rev. and Tax. Code § 17041