Where a new or remanufactured truck, truck tractor, semitrailer, or trailer, any of which has an unladen weight of 6,000 pounds or more, or a new or remanufactured trailer coach or a new or remanufactured auxiliary dolly, is purchased from a dealer located outside this state for use without this state and is delivered by the manufacturer or remanufacturer to the purchaser within this state, and the purchaser drives or moves the vehicle from the manufacturer's or remanufacturer's place of business in this state to any point outside this state within 30 days from and after the date of the delivery, there are exempted from the taxes imposed by this part the gross receipts from the sale of and the storage, use or other consumption of the vehicle within the state, if the purchaser furnishes the following to the manufacturer or remanufacturer:
Ca. Rev. and Tax. Code § 6388