Claims may be filed under this article with the transportation planning agency by counties and cities for the following purposes and by transit districts for the purposes specified in subdivisions (c) to (f), inclusive:
If the county, city, or transit district is being served by an operator, the contract entered into by the county, city, or transit district shall specify the level of service to be provided, the operating plan to implement that service, and how that service is to be coordinated with the public transportation service provided by the operator. Prior to approving any claim filed under this section, the transportation planning agency, or the county transportation commission in a county with such a commission, shall make a finding that the transportation services contracted for under subdivision (c) are responding to a transportation need not otherwise being met within the community or jurisdiction of the claimant and that, where appropriate, the services are coordinated with the existing transportation service.
Ca. Pub. Util. Code § 99400