Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 451 - Charges just and reasonable; unjust or unreasonable charge unlawful; adequate, efficient and reasonable service; rules just and reasonable
- Section 451.1 - Cost recovery arising from covered wildfire
- Section 451.2 - Cost recovery arising from catastrophic wildfire occurring in 2017
- Section 451.3 - Requests for recovery of costs previously authorized; penalty
- Section 451.5 - Bonus paid executive officer by utility that has ceased to pay debts
- Section 451.7 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Exemption of nonbypassable or departing load surcharges
- Section 451.8 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Rate of return
- Section 451.9 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Conditions for gas corporation to cease providing service
- Section 452 - Establishment of rate less than maximum reasonable rate
- Section 453 - Granting preference or advantage
- Section 453.5 - Payment of refunds
- Section 454 - Changing rates or altering classification, contract, practice or rule
- Section 454.1 - Discount of noncommodity rates
- Section 454.2 - Zone of trade freedom for passenger stage transportation
- Section 454.3 - Requirements for approval of rate increase for investment in facilities
- Section 454.4 - Rates for gas utilized in cogeneration technology
- Section 454.5 - Electricity provided by Department of Water Resources under power purchase agreement
- Section 454.51 - Duties of commission
- Section 454.52 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Filing of integrated resource plan by load-serving entities
- Section 454.52 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Filing of integrated resource plan by load-serving entities
- Section 454.53 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] State policy regarding renewable energy resources and zero-carbon resources
- Section 454.53 - [Effective 1/1/2025] State policy regarding renewable energy resources and zero-carbon resources
- Section 454.54 - Integrated resource plan to contribute to diverse and balanced portfolio of resources
- Section 454.55 - Establishment of efficiency targets for electrical corporations
- Section 454.56 - Establishment of efficiency targets for gas corporations
- Section 454.57 - Accelerating Renewable Energy Delivery Act
- Section 454.58 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Transmission capacity; reconductoring and grid-enhancing technologies
- Section 454.59 - Applicability to obligations on a state agency; state agencies requirements
- Section 454.6 - Recoverable rates for certain contracts for electricity generated by replacement or repowering project
- Section 454.7 - Priority provided cogeneration technology projects for purchase of natural gas
- Section 454.8 - Recovery of rates for new construction or extension of plant
- Section 454.9 - Catastrophic event memorandum accounts
- Section 455 - Hearing concerning propriety of rate
- Section 455.1 - Procedures when water corporation files schedule stating rates, classifications, contracts, practices or rules
- Section 455.2 - Final decision on general rate case application of water corporation with greater than 10,000 service connections
- Section 455.3 - Rules and regulation revising manner in which oil pipeline corporations change and use rates
- Section 455.5 - Value of facility placed out of service for nine or more consecutive months
- Section 455.7 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Visual representation of cost categories in residential electric rates to be published on website
- Section 456 - Profiting from economies, efficiencies or improvements
- Section 458 - False billing, false or incorrect classification, false weighing, etc.
- Section 459 - False statement or representation as to cost or value
- Section 460.3 - Fares charges by passenger stage corporation to physically disabled or handicapped passengers
- Section 460.7 - Statements relating to workers' compensation filed by passenger stage corporations
- Section 461.2 - Revenues and expenses from installation of simple inside wiring by telephone or telegraph corporations
- Section 461.5 - Discrimination in charges or facilities for transportation
- Section 462 - Transfers furnished to passengers by street or interurban railroad corporations
- Section 463 - Costs resulting from unreasonable error or omission relating to planning, construction or operation
- Section 463.5 - Reasonableness review to determine reasonableness of costs not required
- Section 464 - Reasonable expenditures deemed prudent
- Section 465 - Contract for labor of custodial or janitorial nature not performed by employees of utility
- Section 466 - Contractor pursuant to section 465 to pay prevailing wages
- Section 467 - Enforcement of section 466
- Section 468 - Recovery of expenses for assisting or deterring union organization prohibited