(b) I, Name, Name of Employer, certify that I have not offered, given, or agreed to give, received, accepted, or agreed to accept, any gift, contribution, or any financial incentive whatsoever to or from any person in connection with the roof project contract. As used in this certification, "person" means any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity, or group of individuals. Furthermore, I, Name, Name of Employer, certify that I do not have, and throughout the duration of the contract, I will not have, any financial relationship in connection with the performance of this contract with any architect, engineer, roofing consultant, materials manufacturer, distributor, or vendor that is not disclosed below. I, Name, Name of Employer, have the following financial relationships with an architect, engineer, roofing consultant, materials manufacturer, distributor, or vendor, or other person in connection with the following roof project contract:
Name and Address of Building, Contract Date and Number
I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the contents of this disclosure are true, or are believed to be true.
Print Name
Print Name of Employer