Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 26361 - Peace officer or honorably retired peace officer
- Section 26362 - Right to openly carry loaded handgun
- Section 26363 - Open carrying of unloaded handgun as merchandise
- Section 26364 - Military or civil organization or members thereof
- Section 26365 - Member of target range
- Section 26366 - Licensed hunter while hunting
- Section 26366.5 - Licensed hunter while training dog
- Section 26367 - Person operating licensed common carrier
- Section 26368 - Member of certain organizations while on official parade duty or ceremonial occasions
- Section 26369 - Gun show
- Section 26370 - Within school zone with permission
- Section 26371 - In accordance with Section 171b
- Section 26372 - While engaged in making lawful arrest
- Section 26373 - Incident to loaning, selling, or transferring handgun
- Section 26374 - Person engaged in firearm-related activities
- Section 26375 - Authorized participant in, or authorized employee or agent of supplier of firearms for, motion picture, television, or video production, or entertainment event
- Section 26376 - Incident to obtaining identification number or mark
- Section 26377 - Target range
- Section 26378 - Assisting peace officer in making arrest or preserving peace
- Section 26379 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Incident to complying with specified statutes
- Section 26379 - [Effective 1/1/2025] [Effective until 1/1/2026] Incident to complying with specified statutes
- Section 26379 - [Operative 1/1/2026] Incident to complying with specified statutes
- Section 26380 - Incident to, and in course and scope of, training to become sworn peace officer
- Section 26381 - Incident to, and in course and scope of, training to become licensed
- Section 26382 - Request of sheriff or chief of municipal police department
- Section 26383 - Place of business, place of residence, or private property
- Section 26384 - Auction for nonprofit public benefit or mutual benefit corporation
- Section 26385 - Pursuant to Section 171c(b)(3)
- Section 26386 - Pursuant to Section 171d
- Section 26387 - Pursuant to Section 171.7(c)(1)(F)
- Section 26388 - Open carrying of unloaded handgun on publicly owned land
- Section 26389 - Locked trunk of motor vehicle or in locked container
- Section 26390 - In connection with certain permits
- Section 26391 - In accordance with Section 171.5(d)
- Section 26392 - Transport of handgun to law enforcement agency