Division 2 - DEFINITIONS
- Section 16100 - ".50 BMG cartridge" defined
- Section 16110 - ".50 BMG rifle" defined
- Section 16120 - "Abuse" defined
- Section 16130 - "Agent" defined
- Section 16140 - "Air gauge knife" defined
- Section 16150 - "Ammunition" defined
- Section 16151 - "Ammunition vendor"
- Section 16160 - "Antique cannon" defined
- Section 16170 - "Antique firearm" defined
- Section 16180 - "Antique rifle" defined
- Section 16190 - "Application to purchase" defined
- Section 16200 - "Assault weapon" defined
- Section 16220 - "Ballistic knife" defined
- Section 16230 - "Ballistics identification system" defined
- Section 16240 - "Basic firearms safety certificate" defined
- Section 16250 - "BB device" defined
- Section 16260 - "Belt buckle knife" defined
- Section 16270 - "Blowgun" defined
- Section 16280 - "Blowgun ammunition" defined
- Section 16288 - "Body armor" defined
- Section 16290 - "Body vest" or "body shield" defined
- Section 16300 - "Bona fide evidence of identity" or "bona fide evidence of majority and identity" defined
- Section 16310 - "Boobytrap" defined
- Section 16320 - "Camouflaging firearm container" defined
- Section 16330 - "Cane gun" defined
- Section 16340 - "Cane sword" defined
- Section 16350 - "Capacity to accept more than 10 rounds" defined
- Section 16360 - "CCW" defined
- Section 16370 - "Certified instructor" or "DOJ Certified Instructor" defined
- Section 16380 - "Chamber load indicator" defined
- Section 16400 - "Clear evidence of the person's identity and age" defined
- Section 16405 - "Composite knuckles" defined
- Section 16410 - "Consultant-evaluator" defined
- Section 16420 - "Dagger" defined
- Section 16430 - "Deadly weapon" defined
- Section 16440 - "Dealer" defined
- Section 16450 - "Department" defined
- Section 16460 - "Destructive device" defined
- Section 16470 - "Dirk" or "dagger" defined
- Section 16480 - "DOJ Certified Instructor" defined
- Section 16490 - "Domestic violence" defined
- Section 16500 - "Drop safety requirement for handguns" defined
- Section 16505 - "Encased" defined
- Section 16510 - "Explosive" defined
- Section 16515 - "Federal licensee authorized to serialize firearms" defined
- Section 16517 - "Federally licensed manufacturer or importer" defined
- Section 16519 - "Federally regulated firearm precursor part" defined
- Section 16520 - "Firearm" defined
- Section 16530 - "Firearm capable of being concealed upon the person," "pistol," and "revolver" defined
- Section 16531 - "Firearm precursor part" defined
- Section 16532 - [Repealed]
- Section 16535 - Firearm safety certificate
- Section 16540 - "Firearm safety device" defined
- Section 16550 - "Firearm transaction record" defined
- Section 16560 - "Firing requirement for handguns" defined
- Section 16570 - "Flechette dart" defined
- Section 16575 - Continuations of provisions that were included in former Article 4
- Section 16580 - Continuations of provisions that were included in former Chapter 1
- Section 16585 - Continuations of provisions that were included in former Section 12078
- Section 16590 - "Generally prohibited weapon" defined
- Section 16600 - "Great bodily injury" defined
- Section 16610 - "Gun safe" defined
- Section 16620 - "Gun show trader" defined
- Section 16630 - "Gunsmith" defined
- Section 16640 - "Handgun" defined
- Section 16650 - "Handgun ammunition" defined
- Section 16660 - "Handgun ammunition designed primarily to penetrate metal or armor" defined
- Section 16662 - [Repealed]
- Section 16670 - "Handgun safety certificate" defined
- Section 16680 - "Hard wooden knuckles" defined
- Section 16685 - "Hunting license" defined
- Section 16690 - "Honorably retired" defined
- Section 16700 - "Imitation firearm" defined
- Section 16720 - "Immediate family member" defined
- Section 16730 - "Infrequent" defined
- Section 16740 - "Large-capacity magazine" defined
- Section 16745 - [Effective 1/1/2025] "Authorized user" explained
- Section 16750 - "Lawful possession of the firearm" defined
- Section 16760 - "Leaded cane" defined
- Section 16770 - "Less lethal ammunition" defined
- Section 16780 - "Less lethal weapon" defined
- Section 16790 - "LIcensed gun dealer" defined
- Section 16800 - "Licensed gun show producer" defined
- Section 16810 - "Licensed premises," "licensee's business premises," or "licensee's place of business" defined
- Section 16820 - "Licensee" defined
- Section 16822 - "Licensee's business premises" defined
- Section 16824 - "Licensee's place of business" defined
- Section 16830 - "Lipstick case knife" defined
- Section 16840 - "Loaded" defined
- Section 16850 - "Locked container" defined
- Section 16860 - "Locking device" defined
- Section 16865 - Long gun
- Section 16870 - "Long-gun safe" defined
- Section 16880 - "Machinegun" defined
- Section 16890 - "Magazine" defined
- Section 16900 - "Magazine disconnect mechanism" defined
- Section 16920 - "Metal knuckles" defined
- Section 16930 - "Multiburst trigger activator" defined
- Section 16940 - "Nunchaku" defined
- Section 16950 - Carrying handgun openly or exposed
- Section 16960 - "Operation of law" defined
- Section 16965 - "Passenger's or driver's area" defined
- Section 16970 - "Person" defined
- Section 16980 - "Person licensed pursuant to Sections 26700 to 26915, inclusive" defined
- Section 16990 - "A person taking title or possession of a firearm by operation of law" defined
- Section 17000 - "Personal firearm importer" defined
- Section 17010 - "Pistol" defined
- Section 17020 - "Principal place of employment or business" defined
- Section 17030 - "Prohibited area" defined
- Section 17040 - "Public place" defined
- Section 17060 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] "Residence" defined
- Section 17060 - [Effective 1/1/2025] [Effective until 1/1/2026] "Residence" defined
- Section 17060 - [Operative 1/1/2026] "Residence" defined
- Section 17070 - "Responsible adult" defined
- Section 17080 - "Revolver" defined
- Section 17090 - "Rifle" defined
- Section 17110 - "Secured facility" defined
- Section 17111 - Use of term "secured facility"
- Section 17125 - "Security exemplar" defined
- Section 17140 - "Semiautomatic pistol" defined
- Section 17160 - "Shobi-zue" defined
- Section 17170 - "Short-barrelled rifle" defined
- Section 17180 - "Short-barrelled shotgun" defined
- Section 17190 - "Shotgun" defined
- Section 17200 - "Shuriken" defined
- Section 17210 - "Silencer" defined
- Section 17220 - "SKS rifle" defined
- Section 17230 - "Stun gun" defined
- Section 17235 - "Switchblade knife" defined
- Section 17240 - "tear gas" defined
- Section 17250 - "Tear gas weapon" defined
- Section 17270 - "Unconventional pistol" defined
- Section 17280 - "Undetectable firearm" defined
- Section 17290 - "Undetectable knife" defined
- Section 17295 - Deeming handgun unloaded if not loaded
- Section 17300 - "Unsafe handgun" defined
- Section 17310 - "Used firearm" defined
- Section 17312 - Valid state or federal serial number or mark of identification
- Section 17315 - "Vendor" defined
- Section 17320 - "Violent felony" defined
- Section 17330 - "Wallet gun" defined
- Section 17340 - "Wholesaler" defined
- Section 17350 - "Writing pen knife" defined
- Section 17360 - "Zip gun" defined