Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 639 - Unlawful gift to financial institution employee for procuring loan or extension of credit
- Section 639a - Unlawful solicitation or receipt of reward by financial institution employee for procuring loan or extension of credit
- Section 640 - Unlawful acts committed on or in facility or vehicle of public transportation system
- Section 640.2 - Unlawful placement of writing on consumer product offered for sale
- Section 640.5 - Defacement of facilities or vehicles of governmental entity
- Section 640.6 - Defacement of real or personal property
- Section 640.7 - Defacement on or within 100 feet of highway
- Section 640.8 - Defacement on freeway
- Section 640a - Unlawful operation of automatic vending machines
- Section 640b - Unlawful operation of coin-box telephone
- Section 641 - Unlawful procurement of telegraph or telephone employee to disclose private message
- Section 641.3 - Commercial bribery
- Section 641.4 - Commercial bribery involving title insurer, underwritten title company, or controlled escrow company
- Section 641.5 - Unlawful use of volatile, commercially moisture-free solvent by clothes cleaning establishment
- Section 641.6 - Unlawful use of cleaning agent by dry cleaners
- Section 642 - Theft from dead human body
- Section 643 - Unlawful disposal of fetal remains
- Section 645 - Medroxyprogesterone acetate treatment
- Section 646 - Unlawful institution of suit outside of California
- Section 646.5 - Unlawful solicitation of employment from injured person as investigator
- Section 646.6 - Unlawful solicitation of injured person for sale or use of photographs relating to accident
- Section 646.9 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Stalking
- Section 646.9 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Stalking
- Section 646.91 - Emergency protective order
- Section 646.91a - Prohibition from taking action to obtain address or location of protected person
- Section 646.92 - Notification of release or change in in parole status
- Section 646.93 - Telephone number to inquire about bail status or release; request for lower bail; conditions of release on bail
- Section 646.94 - Intensive and specialized parole supervision program for parolees deemed to pose high risk of committing repeat stalking offense
- Section 647 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Disorderly conduct
- Section 647 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Disorderly conduct
- Section 647.1 - Fine
- Section 647.2 - Condition of probation
- Section 647.3 - Arrest for violation of CUCSA or sex work crimes prohibited if person is victim or witness to crime
- Section 647.6 - Annoying or molesting child under 18 years of age
- Section 647.7 - Counseling program as condition of probation for peeking toms
- Section 647.8 - Matter obtained in violation of person's privacy; forfeiture
- Section 647.9 - Capturing image of deceased person by first responder
- Section 647a - Transportation to homeless shelter or runaway shelter
- Section 647b - Loitering about school in which adults are in attendance; annoying or molesting person in attendance
- Section 647c - Unlawful obstruction of free movement of person on street, sidewalk, or other public place
- Section 647d - Conditional attendance of alcohol treatment and recovery program
- Section 647e - Open container on licensed and posted premises
- Section 647f - [Repealed]
- Section 648 - Unlawful making, issuing, or putting into circulation money, except as authorized by law
- Section 648a - Unlawful possession or making, selling, issuing or putting into circulation slug or token
- Section 649 - Unlawful misdirection of prospective guest by person engaged in transportation of persons
- Section 649a - Unlawful payment of compensation for inducement of prospective guests
- Section 651 - Unlawful use of Federal order stamps
- Section 652 - Unlawful performance of body piercing upon person under age of 18 years
- Section 653 - Unlawful tattooing of person under age of 18 years
- Section 653b - Unlawful loitering about school or public place at or near which children attend or congregate
- Section 653c - Unlawful entry or remaining on grounds of day care or residential facility for elders or dependent adults
- Section 653d - Records required for sale of mining machinery
- Section 653f - Solicitation to commit crime
- Section 653g - [Renumbered as 653b]
- Section 653h - Unlawful transfer of recorded sounds
- Section 653i - Leaving scene of skiing accident
- Section 653j - Unlawful solicitation or intimidation of minor with intent that minor commit felony
- Section 653k - [Repealed]
- Section 653m - Unlawful annoyance or harassment by telephone or electronic communications device
- Section 653n - Unlawful installation of two-way mirror
- Section 653o - Unlawful importation, possession with intent to sell, or sale of dead body of certain animals
- Section 653p - Unlawful possession with intent to sell or sale of dead body of protected species or subspecies
- Section 653q - Unlawful importation, possession with intent to sell, or sale of dead body of seal
- Section 653r - Unlawful possession with intent to sell or sale of dead body of specified fish, bird, amphibian, reptile, or mammal
- Section 653s - Unlawful transport of article containing sounds of live performance recorded without consent
- Section 653t - Unlawful interference with transmission of emergency communication over amateur or citizen's band radio frequency
- Section 653u - Unlawful recording of sounds of live performance without consent
- Section 653v - Forfeiture and destruction of article upon which sounds or images recorded
- Section 653w - Failure to disclose origin of recording or audiovisual work
- Section 653x - Unlawful telephoning 911 emergency line
- Section 653y - Unlawful use of 911 telephone system
- Section 653z - Unlawful operation of recording device in motion picture theater
- Section 653aa - Unlawful electronic transmission of commercial recording or audiovisual work
- Section 653.1 - Release of balloons made of electrically conductive material
- Section 653.2 - Unlawful electronic distribution of personal identifying information