Article 2 - ARMORIES
- Section 430 - "Armory" defined
- Section 431 - Authority of Adjutant General
- Section 431.5 - Army Facilities Agreement Program Income Fund
- Section 432 - Control and management of armories
- Section 433 - Lease of armories
- Section 433.5 - Use of armories for emergencies
- Section 434 - Responsibility of Adjutant General to make and enforce regulations, acquire real estate, and construct facilities
- Section 435 - Lease or sale of real property by the Director of General Services; Armory Fund
- Section 436 - Receipt of property by donation or dedication
- Section 437 - Acquisition of property by Adjutant General
- Section 438 - Community Advisory Committee
- Section 439 - Acquisition by city, city and county or county of buildings for the use of the United States Armed Services, California National Guard, etc.
- Section 439.1 - Report to the Legislature by the Military Department on the status of California armories