Current through 2024 Legislative Session
Section 50710.6 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Report on transitioning housing units at Office of Migrant Services centers to year-round availability(a)(1) The department shall develop a report that analyzes the feasibility and impact of transitioning housing units at Office of Migrant Services centers to year-round availability.(2) In developing the report required by this subdivision, the department may appoint a third-party consultant to facilitate a comprehensive report, pursuant to subdivision (b).(3) In developing the report required by this subdivision, the department shall engage and solicit feedback from the stakeholders listed in Section 50710.3.(b) By July 1, 2027, the department shall submit the report and recommendations to the Assembly Committee on Housing and Community Development and the Senate Committee on Housing. The report shall include: (1) The quantity of housing units at each center, with each housing unit individually identified, that could be made available year round without any rehabilitation or improvements.(2) The quantity of housing units at each center, with each housing unit individually identified, that require upgrades to be made available year round, including a description of upgrades needed by unit at each center that includes scope of work and cost estimates.(3)(A) A description of the order in which units may be renovated.(B) A plan to ensure that no center shuts down more than 30 percent of units during the regular operating season when planning for improvements.(C) Direction on planning for upgrades during academic breaks, or whenever feasible throughout the year.(4) Information about the regional K-12 schools' academic calendars to assist with planning upgrades during academic breaks necessary.(5) Information on the infrastructure that serves the migrant farm labor centers, including wastewater systems, water systems, stormwater systems, drainage systems, electrical systems, and gas or propane systems. Information shall include the current capacity of the systems and cost estimates to expand the infrastructure to allow for year-round housing.(6)(A) Assessment of the initial capital needed to convert centers to year-round housing.(B) The amount of Office of Migrant Services operating and capital subsidy for each center based on an 180-day occupancy period.(C) The amount of Office of Migrant Services ongoing operating and capital subsidy for each center needed to operate year round.(D) Identification of impediments to converting a center to year-round housing, including federal occupancy requirements to serve migratory farmworkers, fee owner lease requirements to serve migratory farmworkers, or lack of water rights that would need to be negotiated and established with fee owners.(7) Demographic information about migrant farmworker families served through the Office of Migrant Services.(8) Identification of assessments that document the demand for migrant and year-round farmworker housing.(9) Fiscal impacts, including rent increases, and other impacts to migrant farmworkers and their families from converting the centers to year-round housing and strategies to reduce negative impacts, including other housing solutions.(10) Current and projected housing needs for migrant farmworkers and their families surrounding each center.(11) Analysis and identification of alternative solutions to addressing farmworker housing beyond conversion of centers to year-round farmworker housing.(c) The department shall publish and make available to the public on its internet website the report created pursuant to this section.(d)(1) The report to be submitted pursuant to this section shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.(2) Pursuant to Section 10231.5 of the Government Code, this section is repealed on January 1, 2031.Ca. Health and Saf. Code § 50710.6
Added by Stats 2024 ch 523 (AB 2240),s 3, eff. 1/1/2025.