Article 4 - LISTINGS
- Section 25140 - Listing of wastes
- Section 25141 - Criteria and guidelines for identification of hazardous wastes and extremely hazardous wastes
- Section 25141.1 - Acute aquatic toxicity criterion evaluation
- Section 25141.2 - Notice
- Section 25141.5 - Regulation; criteria and procedures for identification and regulation of hazardous waste
- Section 25141.6 - Notice of determination that it is not necessary to manage waste as hazardous waste
- Section 25142 - Recycling of waste
- Section 25142.5 - Training, education, and enforcement program
- Section 25143 - Variance
- Section 25143.1 - Geothermal waste
- Section 25143.1.5 - Wood waste
- Section 25143.2 - Recyclable materials
- Section 25143.2.5 - Used, broken Cathode ray tube (CRT) panel glass and processed CRT panel glass that exceeds the total threshold limit concentration only for barium
- Section 25143.3 - Regulations regarding spent sulfuric acid
- Section 25143.4 - Regulations authorizing reuse of pulping liquors
- Section 25143.5 - Classification of fly ash, bottom ash, and flue gas emission control residues as nonhazardous
- Section 25143.6 - Spent brine solutions
- Section 25143.7 - Disposal of waste containing asbestos
- Section 25143.8 - Cementitious material
- Section 25143.9 - Exclusion of recyclable material from classification as waste
- Section 25143.10 - Recycling of more than 100 kilograms per month of recyclable material
- Section 25143.11 - Regulations exempting secondary materials
- Section 25143.12 - Debris contaminated with crude oil
- Section 25143.13 - Waste containing silver or silver compounds
- Section 25143.14 - Residues removed from equipment
- Section 25144 - Exemptions
- Section 25144.6 - Exemption for reusable soiled textile materials
- Section 25144.7 - Draining of used fuel filters
- Section 25145 - No limitation on powers and duties
- Section 25145.4 - No limitation or abridgement of power of Attorney General