Section 54956.98 - Confidentiality of closed session meetings;(a) For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply: (1) "Shareholder, member, or owner local agency" or "shareholder, member, or owner" means a local agency that is a shareholder of a public bank.(2) "Public bank" has the same meaning as defined in Section 57600.(b) The governing board of a public bank may adopt a policy or a bylaw or include in its governing documents provisions that authorize any of the following:(1) All information received by a shareholder, member, or owner of the public bank in a closed session related to the information presented to the governing board of a public bank in closed session shall be confidential. However, a member of the governing board of a shareholder, member, or owner local agency may disclose information obtained in a closed session that has direct financial or liability implications for that local agency to the following individuals: (A) Legal counsel of that shareholder, member, or owner local agency for purposes of obtaining advice on whether the matter has direct financial or liability implications for that shareholder local agency.(B) Other members of the governing board of the local agency present in a closed session of that shareholder, member, or owner local agency.(2) A designated alternate member of the governing board of the public bank who is also a member of the governing board of a shareholder, member, or owner local agency and who is attending a properly noticed meeting of the public bank governing board in lieu of a shareholder, member, or owner local agency's regularly appointed member may attend a closed session of the public bank governing board.(c) If the governing board of a public bank adopts a policy or a bylaw or includes provisions in its governing documents pursuant to subdivision (b), then the governing board of the shareholder, member, or owner local agency, upon the advice of its legal counsel, may conduct a closed session in order to receive, discuss, and take action concerning information obtained in a closed session of the public bank governing board pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (b).Added by Stats 2019 ch 442 (AB 857),s 15, eff. 1/1/2020.