- Section 26200 - Index of records lost or destroyed
- Section 26201 - Disposition of duplicate records
- Section 26202 - Disposition of records more than two years old
- Section 26202.1 - Disposition of unaccepted bid or proposal
- Section 26202.3 - [Repealed]
- Section 26202.5 - Destruction of records exposed to asbestos fiber
- Section 26202.6 - Destruction of video monitoring, telephone and radio communications
- Section 26203 - Census of county or district
- Section 26205 - Destruction of record at request of county officer
- Section 26205.1 - Destruction of nonjudicial records by county office having custody of records
- Section 26205.5 - Destruction of filed papers and record books at request of county recorder
- Section 26205.6 - Destruction of records undeliverable by mail by county recorder
- Section 26205.7 - Notification to Secretary of State prior to destruction of records by recorder
- Section 26205.8 - Destruction of nonfelony public defender records
- Section 26206 - Commemorative medals, resolutions, plaques, other memorials
- Section 26206.7 - Destruction of duplicates of records less than two years old
- Section 26206.8 - transit agency security systems to have capacity to store recorded images; time limit for retention of stored video images
- Section 26207 - Rewards for furnishing information leading to apprehension and conviction
- Section 26208 - Rewards for ideas and suggestions by public
- Section 26209 - Rewards for ideas and suggestions by county employees in Humboldt County
- Section 26220 - Assignment for collection of delinquent, bills, claims, taxes, assessments
- Section 26220.5 - Sale or assignment of delinquent assessments in Orange County
- Section 26221 - Bond by collection agency as prerequisite to assignment
- Section 26222 - Legal process in collection of assigned obligations
- Section 26223 - Use of revenue received by county under sales and use tax
- Section 26224 - Contracts with community council or council on social planning
- Section 26225 - Studies of feasibility of high speed transit system
- Section 26226 - Loan to transit district for transit planning and development
- Section 26227 - Funding county programs to meet social needs; contracts to operate programs; community support program including charitable fund drive
- Section 26227.5 - [Effective 1/1/2025] District discretionary funds: County of Orange
- Section 26229 - Establishing department or agency regarding protective services for juvenile in counties having population in excess of 6,000,000
- Section 26230 - Implementing county underground utility ordinance
- Section 26231 - Board of supervisors of a county may acquire, construct, improve, and maintain broadband infrastructure and operate broadband internet access service and any telecommunications services