The label shall contain all of the following:
(a) The name, brand, or trademark of the livestock drug.(b) The name of the applicant and his principal address.(c) The minimum net contents of the container.(d) A statement of the disease or ailments of livestock which it is claimed that the livestock drug will alleviate or cure.(e) Adequate instructions as to use and administration and adequate warnings against improper use and administration of the livestock drug, including adequate withdrawal periods and product disposal times to prevent any dangerous drug residues in products produced by livestock for human consumption.(f) The name and amount of each active drug ingredient.(g) A statement which clearly indicates that the product is not for human use.(h) If the livestock drug is a restricted drug, the words "restricted drug, use only as directed" in conspicuous letters.(i) Such other information as the director may require to ensure proper use to safeguard the health of animals and humans who consume products from such animals.Ca. Food and Agric. Code § 14285
Amended by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1224.