Section 1672 - [Effective 1/1/2025] [Effective until 1/1/2035] Permits for species management in restoration projects(a) The department may issue a restoration management permit to authorize take, possession, import, or export of any species or subspecies of fish, wildlife, or plant in association with a qualifying restoration project and to authorize any impacts to fish and wildlife resources as a result of activities otherwise subject to Section 1602, all pursuant to terms and conditions determined by the department.(b) The department may authorize the take, possession, import, or export of any endangered species, threatened species, or candidate species designated pursuant to Chapter 1.5 (commencing with Section 2050) of Division 3 for management or propagation purposes, including scientific or educational purposes related to management or propagation, through a restoration management permit for a qualifying restoration project.(c) The department may authorize the take, possession, import, or export of any fully protected bird, mammal, reptile, amphibian, or fish designated pursuant to Section 3511, 4700, 5050, or 5515 for management or propagation purposes, including scientific or educational purposes related to management or propagation, through a restoration management permit for a qualifying restoration project. The take, possession, import, or export of any fully protected bird, mammal, reptile, amphibian, or fish that is authorized through a restoration management permit for a qualifying restoration project shall not be subject to Section 3511, 4700, 5050, or 5515.(d) The department may authorize the take, possession, import, or export of any plant species designated as rare pursuant to Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 1900) of Division 2 for management or propagation purposes, including scientific or educational purposes related to management or propagation, through a restoration management permit for a qualifying restoration project.(e) The department may authorize the take, possession, import, or export of any fish, amphibian, reptile, mammal, bird, or the nests or eggs thereof, or any other form of plant or animal life not subject to subdivisions (b) through (d), inclusive, for management or propagation purposes, including scientific or educational purposes related to management or propagation, through a restoration management permit for a qualifying restoration project.(f) If a qualifying restoration project includes the substantial diversion or obstruction of the natural flow of, or substantial change or use of any material from the bed, channel, or bank of, any river, stream, or lake and the department determines the activity may substantially adversely affect an existing fish or wildlife resource, the department may authorize those activities through a restoration management permit. The department shall include reasonable measures necessary to protect that resource in the restoration management permit for the qualifying restoration project.Ca. Fish and Game Code § 1672
Added by Stats 2024 ch 681 (AB 1581),s 2, eff. 1/1/2025.