Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 66011 - Policy of legislature on admissions of resident applicants
- Section 66012 - Fixed master plan replaced by continuing planning process
- Section 66013 - Excellence in sphere assigned segment of public higher education
- Section 66014 - Provisions supersede other laws in conflict
- Section 66014.2 - Information regarding off-campus housing
- Section 66014.3 - Providing labor market outcome information for undergraduates of the California State University and University of California
- Section 66014.4 - Veterans' educational benefits; information sharing
- Section 66014.5 - Role of independent, regionally accredited postsecondary education recognized by legislature; providing choice in selecting college or university
- Section 66014.6 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Student housing for postsecondary education; data collection
- Section 66014.6 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Student housing for postsecondary education; data collection
- Section 66014.8 - Publication of final institutional accreditation documents
- Section 66015 - Resolving overcrowding classes; financial aid for needy students
- Section 66015.10 - Information provided by University of California to governing boards of high schools
- Section 66015.12 - Written communication, mathematics and quantitative reasoning placement levels of first-time freshmen to assessed by California State University
- Section 66015.1 - University of California initiative to improve undergraduate education
- Section 66015.5 - Improvement in classroom instruction; teaching responsibilities of faculty increased to meet goals
- Section 66015.7 - Programs supporting learning about other cultures, global issued and exchange of state and international students and scholars
- Section 66016 - Opportunities for participation in intercollegiate athletic programs
- Section 66016.3 - Rights of students to serve in student government and receive grants, scholarships fee waivers, or reimbursement for expenses
- Section 66016.4 - Effect if court finds section 66016.3 unlawful
- Section 66017 - Disciplinary action against those willfully disrupting orderly operation of campus
- Section 66017.7 - Offering animals used for testing to animal adoption or rescue organizations
- Section 66018 - Taxable and nontaxable income disclosed on financial aid applications
- Section 66018.4 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Legacy and donor preference in admissions prohibited
- Section 66018.5 - Preferential treatment based on relationships to donors or alumni
- Section 66018.55 - College and University Social Security Number Task Force; review of use of social security numbers
- Section 66019 - Nontaxable income considered in determining eligibility for educational opportunity program
- Section 66019.3 - Foster care
- Section 66020 - Honorary degrees
- Section 66020.5 - Request as to meetings
- Section 66021 - Financial aid for students with demonstrated financial need
- Section 66021.1 - Annual report on institutional financial aid programs
- Section 66021.2 - [See Note] Long-term policy of Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-Vasconcellos Cal Grant Program
- Section 66021.2 - Long-term policy of Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-Vasconcellos Cal Grant Program
- Section 66021.3 - Providing Financial Aid Shopping Sheet to student
- Section 66021.4 - Financial aid to students enrolled in teacher credential and graduate degree programs
- Section 66021.5 - AFDC-FC payments not considered for eligibility for waiver of fees
- Section 66021.6 - Procedures and forms for persons exempt from paying nonresident tuition to apply for student aid
- Section 66021.7 - Persons exempt from paying nonresident tuition eligible to receive scholarships derived from nonstate funds
- Section 66021.8 - Dreamer Resource Liaisons
- Section 66021.9 - [Effective until 6/30/2027] Authorization for scholarship derived from nonstate funds
- Section 66022 - Withholding institutional services from students in default on loans
- Section 66022.5 - Admission by exception
- Section 66023 - Policy concerning students called to active military duty
- Section 66023.4 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Basic Needs Coordinators; Basic Needs Centers
- Section 66023.5 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Basic Needs Coordinator and Basic Needs Center
- Section 66023.5 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Basic Needs Coordinator and Basic Needs Center
- Section 66023.6 - Benefits for students to use to reduce hunger on campus
- Section 66023.8 - [Operative until 7/1/2029] Wellness Vending Machine Pilot Program
- Section 66024 - Review of quality of graduate and professional programs
- Section 66024.5 - Criminal history inquiries
- Section 66025 - Reduction of systemwide fees charged resident undergraduate students
- Section 66025.3 - Persons exempt from mandatory systemwide tuition or fees
- Section 66025.6 - [Repealed]
- Section 66025.7 - Course credit awarded for prior learning
- Section 66025.71 - Policy regarding credit for military education
- Section 66025.8 - Priority in registration for enrollment to members or former members of armed forces
- Section 66025.9 - Priority for registration for enrollment for foster youth, former foster youth, homeless youth, or former homeless youth
- Section 66025.81 - Priority for registration for enrollment to a student parent
- Section 66025.82 - Priority registration for first responders
- Section 66025.91 - Priority registration for enrollment to disabled students
- Section 66025.92 - Priority registration for enrollment to students who are CalWORKS recipients
- Section 66025.93 - Application to become vendor for Restaurant Meals Program
- Section 66025.95 - Participation in program of services outlined in section 78212(a)(2) by student receiving priority registration
- Section 66026 - Delivery of reports submitted to Legislature
- Section 66026.5 - [Effective until 1/1/2032] Allied health programs assessment
- Section 66027 - Identification of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression on forms used to collect demographic data
- Section 66027.2 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Minimum of one store on campus to participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- Section 66027.3 - [Effective 1/1/2025] On-campus access to drug testing devices
- Section 66027.4 - CalFresh information to be provided to all incoming students
- Section 66027.5 - Information about credit by examination
- Section 66027.6 - Notice of public services
- Section 66027.7 - Menstrual products to be available, accessible, and free
- Section 66027.8 - Mental health hotlines; student identification cards
- Section 66027.81 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Student parent internet web page; content; maintenance
- Section 66027.81 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Student parent internet web page; content; maintenance
- Section 66027.82 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Costs for for student parents
- Section 66027.9 - Survey on housing and food insecurity; report on survey results