Cal. Ed. Code § 51749.6

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session.
Section 51749.6 - Learning agreements
(a) Before enrolling a pupil in a course authorized by Section 51749.5, each local educational agency shall provide the pupil and, if the pupil is less than 18 years of age, the pupil's parent or legal guardian, with a written learning agreement that includes all of the following:
(1) A summary of the policies and procedures adopted by the governing board or body of the local educational agency pursuant to Section 51749.5, as applicable.
(2) The duration of the enrolled course or courses, the duration of the learning agreement, and the number of course credits for each enrolled course consistent with the certifications adopted by the governing board or body of the local educational agency pursuant to Section 51749.5. The duration of a learning agreement shall not exceed a school year or span multiple school years.
(3) The learning objectives and expectations for each course, including, but not limited to, a description of how satisfactory educational progress is measured and when a pupil evaluation is required to determine whether the pupil should remain in the course or be referred to an alternative program, which may include, but is not limited to, a regular school program.
(4) The specific resources, including materials and personnel, that will be made available to the pupil. These resources shall include confirming or providing access to all pupils to the connectivity and devices adequate to participate in the educational program and complete assigned work.
(5) A statement detailing the academic and other supports that will be provided to address the needs of pupils who are not performing at grade level, or need support in other areas, such as English learners, individuals with exceptional needs in order to be consistent with the pupil's individualized education program or plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 794), pupils in foster care or experiencing homelessness, and pupils requiring mental health supports.
(6) A statement that enrollment in a course authorized pursuant to Section 51749.5 is an optional educational alternative in which no pupil may be required to participate. In the case of a pupil who is referred or assigned to any school, class, or program pursuant to Section 48915 or 48917, the agreement also shall include the statement that instruction may be provided to the pupil through course-based independent study only if the pupil is offered the alternative of classroom instruction.
(7) The manner, time, frequency, and place for submitting a pupil's assignments, for reporting the pupil's academic progress, and for communicating with a pupil's parent or guardian regarding a pupil's academic progress.
(8) The objectives and methods of study for the pupil's work, and the methods used to evaluate that work.
(9) A statement of the adopted policies regarding the maximum length of time allowed between the assignment and the completion of a pupil's assigned work, the level of satisfactory educational progress, and the number of missed assignments allowed before an evaluation of whether or not the pupil should be allowed to continue in course-based independent study.
(10) A statement of the number of course credits or, for the elementary grades, other measures of academic accomplishment appropriate to the learning agreement, to be earned by the pupil upon completion.
(A) For independent study programs projected to last more than 15 schooldays for an individual pupil, the learning agreement shall be signed, before the commencement of an independent study course, by the pupil, the pupil's parent, legal guardian, or caregiver, if the pupil is less than 18 years of age, the certificated employee who has been designated as having responsibility for the general supervision of the independent study course, and the certificated employee designated as having responsibility for the special education programming of the pupil, as applicable.
(B) For independent study programs projected to last fewer than 16 schooldays for an individual pupil, each learning agreement shall be signed, during the school year in which the independent study program takes place, by the pupil, the pupil's parent, legal guardian, or caregiver, if the pupil is less than 18 years of age, the certificated employee who has been designated as having responsibility for the general supervision of independent study, and the certificated employee designated as having responsibility for the special education programming of the pupil, as applicable. The written agreement may be signed at any time during the school year, but it is the intent of the Legislature that parents or guardians of pupils be provided the agreement at or before the beginning of the school year.
(C) For purposes of this paragraph, "caregiver" means a person who has met the requirements of Part 1.5 (commencing with Section 6550) of Division 11 of the Family Code.
(2) The signed learning agreement constitutes permission from a pupil's parent or legal guardian, if the pupil is less than 18 years of age, for the pupil to receive instruction through course-based independent study.
(3) Either an original document or an electronic file of the original document is allowable documentation for auditing purposes.
(4) For purposes of this section, an electronic file includes a computer or electronic stored image of an original document, including, but not limited to, portable document format (PDF), JPEG, or other digital image file type, that may be sent via fax machine, email, or other electronic means.
(5) Signed written agreements, supplemental agreements, assignment records, work samples, and attendance records assessing time value of work or evidence that an instructional activity occurred may be maintained as an electronic file.
(6) Written agreements may be signed using an electronic signature that complies with state and federal standards, as determined by the department, that may be a marking that is either computer generated or produced by electronic means and is intended by the signatory to have the same effect as a handwritten signature. The use of an electronic signature shall have the same force and effect as the use of a manual signature if the requirements for digital signatures and their acceptable technology, as provided in Section 16.5 of the Government Code and in Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 22000) of Division 7 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations, are satisfied.
(7) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), for the 2021-22 school year only, a local educational agency shall obtain a signed written agreement for independent study from the pupil, or the pupil's parent or legal guardian if the pupil is less than 18 years of age, the certificated employee who has been designated as having responsibility for the general supervision of the independent study course, and the certificated employee designated as having responsibility for the special education programming of the pupil, as applicable, no later than 30 days after the first day of instruction. This subparagraph does not relieve a local educational agency from the obligation to comply with the requirements of this article, as amended by the act adding this paragraph, upon commencement of instruction for a participating pupil in the 2021-22 school year.
(A) For the 2021-22 school year only, school districts and county offices of education shall notify the parents and guardians of all enrolled pupils of their options to enroll their child in in-person instruction or independent study during the 2021-22 school year. This notice shall include written information on the local educational agency's internet website, including, but not limited to, the right to request a pupil-parent-educator conference meeting before enrollment pursuant to this section, pupil rights regarding procedures for enrolling, disenrolling, and reenrolling in independent study, and the synchronous and asynchronous instructional time that a pupil will have access to as part of independent study. If 15 percent or more of the pupils enrolled in a local educational agency that provides instruction in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, speak a single primary language other than English, as determined from the census data submitted to the department pursuant to Section 52164 in the preceding year, the written information shall, in addition to being written in English, be written in the primary language.
(B) Upon the request of the parent or guardian of a pupil, and before signing a written agreement pursuant to this section, the local educational agency shall conduct a telephone, videoconference, or in-person pupil-parent-educator conference or other school meeting during which the pupil, parent or guardian, and, if requested by the pupil or parent, an education advocate, may ask questions about the educational options, including which curriculum offerings and nonacademic supports will be available to the pupil in independent study, before making the decision about enrollment or disenrollment in the various options for learning.
(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (6) of subdivision (a) of this section, paragraph (1) of subdivision (e) of Section 46300, and subparagraph (B) of paragraph (7) of subdivision (a) of Section 51749.5 for the 2021-22 school year only, a local educational agency shall be eligible to receive apportionments for independent study for pupils that are subject to quarantine for exposure to, or infection with, COVID-19 pursuant to local or state health guidance, and the pupil cannot participate in classroom-based instruction due to the quarantine, and for school closures due to COVID-19 pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 41422. Local educational agencies shall receive apportionment for these pupils for all schooldays that they participate in and meet all other apportionment requirements of independent study while in quarantine or during a school closure.
(d) Commencing with the 2021-22 fiscal year Guide for Annual Audits of K-12 Local Education Agencies and State Compliance Reporting, the Controller shall incorporate compliance reviews for subdivisions (a) and (b) unless compliance verification for those subdivisions is already included in the audit guide. Findings of noncompliance shall result in the loss of apportionment equal to the average daily attendance impacted by the noncompliance.
(e) The provisions of this section are not subject to waiver by the state board, by the Superintendent, or under any provision of Part 26.8 (commencing with Section 47600).

Ca. Educ. Code § 51749.6

Amended by Stats 2024 ch 38 (SB 153),s 69, eff. 6/29/2024.
Amended by Stats 2022 ch 571 (AB 185),s 39, eff. 9/27/2022.
Amended by Stats 2022 ch 52 (AB 181),s 79, eff. 6/30/2022.
Amended by Stats 2021 ch 252 (AB 167),s 33, eff. 9/23/2021.
Amended by Stats 2021 ch 44 (AB 130),s 74, eff. 7/9/2021.
Added by Stats 2014 ch 32 (SB 858),s 39, eff. 6/20/2014.