Section 23826.13 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Additional neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general licenses for counties of the sixth class(a) Notwithstanding this chapter, in any county of the sixth class, the department may issue no more than a total of five new original neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general licenses to premises located in any of the census tracts listed in subdivision (b) per year beginning on January 1, 2017, until a total of 30 new licenses authorized by this section are issued.(b) To qualify for a license issued pursuant to this section, the premises for which the license would apply shall be located within one of the following United States Bureau of Census census tracts, corresponding to those identified within the 2010 Census, located within the City and County of San Francisco, subject to the following limitations:(1) United States Bureau of the Census census tract 612000, 232000, 234000, 233000, or 230030. No more than a total of five neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general licenses shall be concurrently held at premises located within all of these tracts.(2) United States Bureau of the Census census tract 258000 or 257020. No more than a total of four neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general licenses shall be concurrently held at premises located within all of these tracts.(3) United States Bureau of the Census census tract 264030. No more than a total of two neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general licenses shall be concurrently held at premises located within this tract.(4) United States Bureau of the Census census tract 255000, 256000, 260020, 260010, 260040, 261000, or 263010. No more than a total of five neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general licenses shall be concurrently held at premises located within all of these tracts.(5) United States Bureau of the Census census tract 309000, 310000, or 312010. No more than a total of four neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general licenses shall be concurrently held at premises located within all of these tracts.(6) United States Bureau of the Census census tract 330000, 329010, 328010, 353000, or 354000. No more than a total of five neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general licenses shall be concurrently held at premises located within all of these tracts.(7) United States Bureau of the Census census tract 328020, 329020, 351000, or 352010. No more than a total of five neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general licenses shall be concurrently held at premises located within all of these tracts.(c) In issuing the licenses pursuant to this section, the department shall follow the procedure set forth in Section 23961. A license shall not be issued pursuant to this section to an applicant until any existing on-sale licenses issued to the applicant for the same premises are canceled.(d)(1) A person who currently holds an on-sale general license for a premises, who currently holds any interest in an on-sale general license for a premises, who has held an on-sale general license for a premises within the 12 months before the date of the drawing required by Section 23961, or who has held any interest in an on-sale general license for a premises within the 12 months before the date of the drawing required by Section 23961, shall not apply for a license issued pursuant to this section for that licensed premises.(2) In addition to the other requirements of this section, an application for a neighborhood-restricted on-sale general license shall be subject to all the requirements that apply to an on-sale general license for a bona fide eating place.(3) Before submitting an application for a license issued pursuant to this section, the applicant shall conduct a minimum of one preapplication meeting to discuss the application with neighbors and members of the community within the census tract in which the premises are located.(A) The applicant shall hold the meeting either on the premises or at an alternate location within a one-mile radius of the premises.(B) The applicant shall mail notification of the preapplication meeting to all of the following individuals and organizations at least 14 calendar days before the meeting: (i) Each resident within a 500-foot radius of the premises for which the license is to be issued.(ii) Any relevant neighborhood associations for the neighborhood in which the premises is located, as identified on a list maintained by the Planning Department of the City and County of San Francisco.(iii) The Chief of Police for the San Francisco Police Department.(C) Applicants for a neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general license shall submit, on a form provided by the department, signed verification by the local governing body of the area in which the applicant premises are located, or its designated subordinated officer or body, that states the applicant has completed the preapplication meeting pursuant to this section.(e)(1) A license issued pursuant to this section shall not be transferred between counties.(2) Except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4), a license issued pursuant to this section shall not be transferred to any other premises.(3) Paragraph (2) shall not apply to any licensee whose premises have been destroyed as a result of fire or any act of God or other force beyond the control of the licensee, for whom the provisions of Section 24081 shall apply.(4) The department may allow a license issued pursuant to this section to be transferred within the same neighborhood, as described in paragraphs (1) to (7), inclusive, of subdivision (b).(5) A license issued pursuant to this section shall not be transferred to any person, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, or corporation. This provision shall not apply to licenses transferred under Section 24071, 24071.1, or 24071.2.(f) Following the cancellation or revocation of a license issued pursuant to this section, the department may issue one additional new original neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general license following the procedure set forth in Section 23961 and the provisions of this section.(g) A person that holds a neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general license issued pursuant to this section shall not exchange that license for an on-sale license for public premises.(h) Except as specified herein, a neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general license may exercise all of the privileges, and is subject to all the restrictions, of an on-sale general license for a bona fide eating place.(i) A neighborhood-restricted special on-sale general license issued pursuant to this section shall not, with respect to beer and wine, authorize the exercise of the rights and privileges granted by an off-sale beer and wine license.(j) The department shall adopt rules and regulations to enforce this section.Ca. Bus. and Prof. Code § 23826.13
Amended by Stats 2022 ch 136 (SB 1011),s 1, eff. 1/1/2023.Amended by Stats 2019 ch 358 (AB 1311),s 1, eff. 1/1/2020.Amended by Stats 2019 ch 29 (SB 82),s 42, eff. 6/27/2019.Amended by Stats 2017 ch 442 (AB 471),s 2, eff. 1/1/2018.Added by Stats 2016 ch 790 (SB 1285),s 1, eff. 1/1/2017.This section is set out more than once due to postponed, multiple, or conflicting amendments.