Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 23817.10
Whenever it is made to appear to the department by satisfactory evidence that the population in any city or county has increased by more than 2,500 or multiples of 2,500 inhabitants or the population in a city and county has increased by more than 1,250 or multiples of 1,250 inhabitants since the most recent United States decennial census and if the total number of off-sale beer and wine licenses in that city, county, or city and county does not then exceed the maximum specified in Section 23817.5, the department may issue additional licenses, not to exceed one off-sale beer and wine license for each increase of 2,500 inhabitants in the city or county or for each increase of 1,250 inhabitants in the city and county since the taking of the census.
Ca. Bus. and Prof'l. Code § 23817.10