Current through the 2024 Legislative Session.
Section 7423 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Amounts of fees for licenses for individual practitioners The amounts of the fees required by this chapter relating to licenses for individual practitioners are as follows:
(a)(1) Cosmetologist application and examination fee shall be the actual cost to the board for developing, purchasing, grading, and administering the examination.(2) A cosmetologist initial license fee shall not be more than fifty dollars ($50).(b)(1) An esthetician application and examination fee shall be the actual cost to the board for developing, purchasing, grading, and administering the examination.(2) An esthetician initial license fee shall not be more than forty dollars ($40).(c)(1) A manicurist application and examination fee shall be the actual cost to the board for developing, purchasing, grading, and administering the examination.(2) A manicurist initial license fee shall not be more than thirty-five dollars ($35).(d)(1) A barber application and examination fee shall be the actual cost to the board for developing, purchasing, grading, and administering the examination.(2) A barber initial license fee shall be not more than fifty dollars ($50).(e)(1) An electrologist application and examination fee shall be the actual cost to the board for developing, purchasing, grading, and administering the examination.(2) An electrologist initial license fee shall be not more than fifty dollars ($50).(f) An apprentice application and license fee shall be not more than twenty-five dollars ($25).(g) The license renewal fee for individual practitioner licenses that are subject to renewal shall be not more than fifty dollars ($50).(h) A hairstylist application and examination fee shall be the actual cost to the board for developing, purchasing, grading, and administering the examination.(i) A hairstylist's initial license fee shall be no more than fifty dollars ($50).(j) Notwithstanding Section 163.5 the license renewal delinquency fee shall be 50 percent of the renewal fee in effect on the date of renewal.Ca. Bus. and Prof. Code § 7423
Amended by Stats 2024 ch 481 (SB 1451),s 18, eff. 1/1/2025.Amended by Stats 2021 ch 648 (SB 803),s 29, eff. 1/1/2022.Added by Stats 2003 ch 788 (SB 362), s 78, eff. 1/1/2004.This section is set out more than once due to postponed, multiple, or conflicting amendments.