Subchapter 8 - Parental Involvement Enhancement Act
- Section 20-16-801 - Title
- Section 20-16-802 - Legislative findings and purpose
- Section 20-16-803 - Definitions
- Section 20-16-804 - Notarized consent
- Section 20-16-805 - Manner of consent
- Section 20-16-806 - Proof of identification and relationship to pregnant woman
- Section 20-16-807 - Notice postemergency
- Section 20-16-808 - Venue
- Section 20-16-809 - Judicial relief from requirement
- Section 20-16-810 - Disclosure and consent form
- Section 20-16-811 - Penalty
- Section 20-16-812 - Legislative intent
- Section 20-16-813 - When consent is not required
- Section 20-16-814 - Additional information reported by abortion providers
- Section 20-16-815 - Construction
- Section 20-16-816 - Right of intervention
- Section 20-16-817 - Effective date