Subchapter 2 - Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System
- Section 20-16-201 - Establishment - purpose
- Section 20-16-202 - Definitions
- Section 20-16-203 - Advisory commission - members - functions
- Section 20-16-204 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-16-205 - Medical director - appointment - powers and duties
- Section 20-16-206 - Authority to contract for information
- Section 20-16-207 - Information confidential - Exception
- Section 20-16-208 - Furnishing of information by hospitals
- Section 20-16-209 - Furnishing of information by physician, clinic, etc
- Section 20-16-210 - Intergovernmental agreements
- Section 20-16-211 - Funding and implementation
- Section 20-16-212 - Reports
- Section 20-16-213 - Rendering of patient care and regulatory activity prohibited
- Section 20-16-214 - No actionable right, presumptions, or findings created