- Section 9-831 - Definitions
- Section 9-832 - Regulatory bill of rights
- Section 9-833 - Inspections; applicability
- Section 9-834 - Prohibited acts by municipalities and employees; enforcement; notice
- Section 9-835 - Licensing time frames; compliance; consequence for failure to comply with time frame; exemptions; definitions
- Section 9-836 - License application process
- Section 9-837 - Directory of documents
- Section 9-838 - Complaints; governing body review
- Section 9-839 - Clarification of interpretation
- Section 9-840 - Exemptions
- Section 9-841 - Limitation on regulatory actions; health, safety and welfare; goods and services; definitions
- Section 9-842 - Regulation of occupation, trade or profession; notice; hearing; exemptions; definition
- Section 9-843 - Licensing; permitting; free speech or assembly; land use; density; time frames; criteria; clarity