Section 48-572 - Purposes for which public improvements may be undertaken; powers incidental to public improvementsA. When the public interest or convenience requires, the governing body of a municipality may: 1. Order the whole or any portion, either in length or width, of one or more of the streets of the municipality graded or regraded, paved or repaved, or otherwise improved or reimproved.2. Order the construction, reconstruction or repair of any tunnel, subway, viaduct or conduit in, on, under or over any street, or land of the municipality or any land on, under or over which the municipality may have an easement or right-of-way therefor.3. Order the construction or reconstruction of railroads, sidewalks, crosswalks, curbs, gutters, culverts, bridges, tunnels, siphons, manholes, steps, parkings and parkways and also pipes, hydrants and appliances for fire protection.4. Order construction, reconstruction or acquisition of sewers, ditches, drains, conduits, pipelines and channels for sanitary and drainage purposes, or either or both, with outlets, cesspools, manholes, catch basins, flush tanks, septic tanks, connecting sewers, ditches, drains, conduits, channels and other appurtenances in, under, over or through any street, or any land of the municipality or any right-of-way granted or obtained for such purpose, either within or without the limits of the municipality.5. Order construction, reconstruction or acquisition of waterworks, ditches, canals, channels, conduits, pipelines and siphons, together with the necessary or usual appurtenances for carrying storm water or water from irrigation ditches, watercourses, streams or springs into, through or out of the municipality, in, under, over or through any street, or any land of the municipality or any right-of-way granted or obtained for such purpose, either within or without the limits of the municipality.6. Order construction, reconstruction or acquisition of breakwater levees or walls, docks, wharves, marinas, boat harbors and related facilities.7. Order construction, reconstruction or acquisition of lighting plants and poles, wires, conduits, lamps, standards and other appliances for the purpose of lighting and beautifying the streets improved.8. Order the whole or any portion of any off-street parking area and entrances thereto of the municipality graded or regraded, paved or repaved, or otherwise improved or reimproved, order lighting plants and poles, wires, conduits, lamps, standards, and other appliances for the purpose of lighting, landscaping and beautifying the streets or off-street parking areas and entrances thereto to be improved and order construction on such land of parking structures that may have any portion at, above or below grade. If in connection with any lot or parcel within a proposed assessment district adequate off-street parking facilities have been provided, such lot or parcel shall be excluded from the assessment district and shall not be assessed for such improvements if within the time and in the manner provided in section 48-579, subsection C the owner or owners file a written objection to the extent of the assessment district. For purposes of this paragraph in cities having a zoning code or ordinance, unless the off-street parking facilities provided meet or exceed the requirements of the zoning code or ordinance for a lot or parcel of that size in that zone, then such off-street parking facilities shall not be deemed adequate. In cities not having a zoning code or ordinance, the facilities provided shall not be deemed adequate unless parking space for one motor vehicle is provided for each three hundred square feet of floor space in the building served by such off-street parking site. If any lot or parcel within a proposed assessment district organized for improvements provided for in this paragraph is zoned and used exclusively for single family residential purposes, such lot or parcel shall be excluded from the assessment district and shall not be assessed for such improvements if within the time and in the manner provided in section 48-579, subsection C the owner or owners file a written objection to the extent of the assessment district.9. Order the construction or reconstruction of any work incidental to or connected with the improvements set forth in this subsection.10. Pursuant to section 48-622, and notwithstanding any other law, construct, acquire or improve a wastewater treatment facility, drinking water facility or nonpoint source project with monies borrowed from or financial assistance including forgivable principal provided by the water infrastructure finance authority of Arizona.B. In addition to all powers specifically granted by or reasonably inferred under the provisions of this article, cities and towns, acting through their governing bodies, may: 1. Join with other cities or towns or any improvement district or sanitary district or the state, or any of its departments or agencies, the federal government or any of its departments, agencies or instrumentalities, in the construction, operation or maintenance of improvements authorized by this section.2. Join with any other city, town, improvement district or sanitary district in improving streets running on or along the boundaries of the city or town and levy assessments or issue bonds for the proportionate part of the city or town of the cost of the improvement. A municipality that proposes to levy an assessment for the proportionate part of the city or town shall prepare a notice of intent to establish or increase the assessments pursuant to section 9-499.15, subsection B, paragraph 4.3. Accept from the state, or federal government, or any agency, department or instrumentality of either, grants for or in aid of the construction of any of the improvements provided by this article, and enter into contracts with this state, the federal government, or any agency, department or instrumentality of either or both, for the construction or supervision of construction by this state, the federal government or any agency, department or instrumentality of either or both of any such improvements, in accordance with the plans, specifications, rules and regulations of this state, the federal government, or any agency, department or instrumentality of either or both, but reserving to the city or town the right to assess against the property benefited by the improvement, and located within the city or town, that portion of the cost of the improvement that does not qualify for aid under the state or federal grant.Amended by L. 2016, ch. 335,s. 2, eff. 8/5/2016.