Section 48-2213 - Elections; qualifications of voters; affidavit; challengesA. Elections held pursuant to this article, except as otherwise specified, shall be conducted as nearly as practicable in accordance with the general election laws of the state. Returns shall be canvassed by the board of directors within ten days after the election is held.B. Only qualified electors of the state who reside within the health service district are qualified electors for the purpose of an election held pursuant to this article.C. For the purposes of an election the board of directors may consolidate into one precinct several precincts established for general election purposes, and may describe precincts by reference to the general election precincts.D. An election board consisting of one inspector, one judge and one clerk shall be appointed by the board of directors for each precinct.E. A person offering to vote at such election shall sign an affidavit stating his address and swearing he is an elector qualified to vote in the election and has not voted at the election being held. A person offering to vote may be challenged, and the election officers shall thereupon have the powers and duties of general election officers.