Current through L. 2024, ch. 259
Section 41-832 - Meetings of society; nominations; bylaws of society; election of officers; meetings; rules and regulations; employment of director and other personnelA. The society shall meet annually on the first Monday of June at the call of the president for the purpose of nominating new members of the board of trustees and to conduct such other business as may properly come before it. The nominations shall be made by a nominating committee chosen by the members of the society. Members of the board of trustees shall serve for a term of three years.B. The society may adopt bylaws for its government.C. The board of trustees shall elect annually from its membership a president, vice president, secretary and a treasurer.D. Regular meetings of the board of trustees shall be held at least once during each calendar quarter. Special meetings may be held at the call of the president or upon petition of any three of its members. Members of the board of trustees shall receive no compensation but shall be reimbursed for subsistence and travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as provided for other state officers.E. The board of trustees shall adopt rules and regulations for the administration of the work of the society and for carrying out the provisions of this article. The rules and regulations may divide membership of the society in four classes named life, one year, associate and honorary and may define each class. The fees for each class shall be fixed by the board of trustees, provided that the fee for any class may not exceed twenty-five dollars per annum.F. The board of trustees may employ, subject to chapter 4, article 4 of this title, a director, assistant director, custodians, archivists, librarians, researchers, maintenance personnel, gardeners or other necessary personnel, define their duties and fix their compensation pursuant to section 38-611 and within the limits of legislative appropriation. The board may also employ the services of professional consultants on a fee basis within the limits of legislative appropriation.