Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 33-2211

Current through L. 2024, ch. 259
Section 33-2211 - Trustee's sale of timeshare estates; notice; cure; notice to prevent sale; definitions
A. The association or other managing entity may cause a trustee's sale of the timeshare estate, of an owner who is delinquent in the payment of assessments for that timeshare estate to that association or managing entity, under a timeshare instrument pursuant to this section, but only if that owner has been delinquent in the payment of assessments for that timeshare estate for a period of one year.
B. An association or other managing entity that desires to use a trustee's sale shall prepare, execute and acknowledge a notice of delinquency identifying the owner of the timeshare estate, the nature and amount of the owner's current delinquency in payment of assessments, the legal description of the owner's timeshare estate, the name and address of the association or other managing entity and the name and address of the trustee designated by the association or managing entity to conduct the trustee's sale.
C. A notice of delinquency may apply to multiple timeshare estates owned by an owner if the owner is delinquent in payment of assessments for all of the timeshare estates included in the notice of delinquency and the notice of delinquency states separately the delinquent assessments for each timeshare estate. A notice of delinquency may apply to multiple delinquent owners if each owner's delinquency or delinquencies are listed separately and the notice includes the information required by subsection B of this section for each owner.
D. The association or managing entity shall record the notice of delinquency with the county recorder of the county in which the timeshare property relating to the timeshare estate or estates is located and shall mail by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the notice of delinquency to the owner or owners listed in the notice at the last address for each delinquent owner according to the records of the association or managing entity. The association or other managing entity shall post a summary of the notice of delinquency on an owners' bulletin board or other owner notice board provided by the association or other managing entity at the timeshare property, subject to other applicable law.
E. A trustee appointed in a notice of delinquency and any properly appointed substitute trustee may conduct a trustee's sale of a timeshare estate under this section. The recording of a notice of delinquency shall satisfy all requirements for the trustee, or any properly appointed substitute trustee, to appear in the chain of title for the timeshare estate in order for the trustee to be entitled to issue a trustee's deed on completion of a trustee's sale for the timeshare estate.
F. If the delinquencies identified in a notice of delinquency are not cured within thirty days after the association or managing entity mails the notice of delinquency to the delinquent owner under subsection D of this section, the association or managing entity may cause the trustee to conduct a trustee's sale of the delinquent owner's timeshare estate pursuant to sections 33-803.01, 33-804, 33-807, 33-808, 33-809, 33-810, 33-811, 33-812, 33-813 and 33-820, except as otherwise provided in this section. For the purposes of a trustee's sale of a delinquent owner's timeshare estate pursuant to chapter 6.1 of this title:
1. "Contract secured by the trust deed" means a specific owner's obligation to pay delinquent assessments for a specific timeshare estate.
2. "Deed of trust" means a specific owner's obligation for payment of assessments under the timeshare instrument and the lien securing payment of that obligation, however denominated.
3. "Trust property" means the timeshare estate or estates for which a specific owner is delinquent in the payment of assessments.
4. "Trustee" means a person who is qualified to serve as trustee as prescribed by section 33-803 and who is appointed as trustee pursuant to this section or any substitute trustee appointed by the beneficiary in accordance with section 33-804.
G. The posting of the notice of the time and place of sale required by section 33-808, subsection A, paragraph 3 shall occur on an owners' bulletin board or other owner notice board provided by the association or other managing entity at the timeshare property, on the association's or other managing entity's website for the timeshare property, if any, and in the association's or other managing entity's next newsletter, if any. Any format of notice of trustee's sale may be used if the required information stated in section 33-808, subsection C is provided. A request for notice under section 33-809 must identify a specific trustor and timeshare estate and the recorded timeshare instrument, if any. The mailing of the notice of the time and place of sale required by section 33-809, subsection B, shall include a return receipt requested. A copy of the notice of delinquency under subsection B of this section constitutes the statement of breach or nonperformance under section 33-809, subsection C, and the trustor's address for mailing is the address stated in the notice of delinquency. The bid deposit under section 33-810, subsection A is one thousand dollars, as a single deposit for all timeshare estates included in the notice of trustee's sale. Only the beneficiary or its assignee may make a credit bid in place of cash at the sale. The proceeds of a trustee's sale shall be applied as provided in section 33-812, including the payment of all remaining excess proceeds to the trustor under section 33-812, subsection A. The trustor and junior lienholders may reinstate by paying all amounts due in accordance with section 33-813.
H. The trustee's sale may include multiple timeshare estates owned by an owner if the owner is delinquent in payment of assessments for all of the timeshare estates included in the trustee's sale proceeding. The trustee's sale may include timeshare estates owned by multiple owners if the notice of trustee's sale provides all information required by section 33-808, subsection D for each owner and timeshare estate and each timeshare estate is sold separately.
I. If fee title to a timeshare estate was acquired by an owner before January 1, 2009, the trustee shall proceed as follows and the owner may prevent a trustee's sale as to that timeshare estate as follows:
1. The notice of delinquency for any timeshare estate acquired by the owner before January 1, 2009 shall include a statement informing the owner of the owner's right to prevent a trustee's sale as to that timeshare estate by returning the form that is described in paragraph 2 of this subsection and that is signed by the owner, by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the trustee and to the association or other managing entity at the addresses stated in the notice of delinquency within thirty days after the association or other managing entity sends the notice of delinquency to the owner.
2. The notice of delinquency shall be accompanied by a form of notice in substantially the following form:

Notice of Election to Prevent

Trustee's Sale

The undersigned, (name(s)), is (are) the owner(s) of timeshare estate nos. _________ at (timeshare plan name) . The undersigned has received a notice of delinquency dated _______________, ____ from (association or other managing entity) . The undersigned hereby exercises the undersigned's right to prevent a trustee sale of the timeshare estate(s) that was (were) acquired by me (us) before January 1, 2009, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes section 33-2211, subsection I.

Dated: __________________________


Owner's signature(s)

3. If an owner returns the signed form described in paragraph 2 of this subsection to the trustee and the association or other managing entity as required by paragraph 1 of this subsection, the association or other managing entity and the trustee shall desist from any trustee's sale proceedings with respect to the timeshare estate that was acquired by the owner before January 1, 2009 and described in the notice, but the association or managing entity may continue to use other available remedies to collect delinquent assessments for the timeshare estate. If the owner does not timely return the signed form as prescribed by this subsection, the owner waives any rights under this subsection.
J. The remedy provided by this section does not exclude the use of any other available remedy of the association or managing entity for delinquency by a timeshare estate owner, unless an owner's timeshare estate is sold pursuant to a trustee's power of sale, in which case an action may not be maintained to recover any difference between the amount obtained by sale and the amount of the indebtedness and any interest, costs and expenses in connection with that timeshare estate. This section does not prohibit an association or other managing entity from taking a deed in lieu of foreclosure executed by an owner of a timeshare estate.
K. This section shall not apply to any timeshare property for which the timeshare instrument expressly mandates that judicial foreclosure is the sole method for the association or other managing entity to foreclose or realize upon a lien securing payment of assessments due to that association or other managing entity.
L. For the purposes of this section:
1. "Beneficiary" means the association or other managing entity entitled to collect assessments.
2. "Trustor" means a specific owner who is delinquent in payment of assessments for a timeshare estate or estates.

A.R.S. § 33-2211