Section 28-2233 - Interstate commercial fleet registration; application; restrictionsA. In lieu of the registration required by section 28-2153, in lieu of the full payment of fees prescribed by sections 28-2003 and 28-5433 and notwithstanding section 28-2321, a resident or nonresident engaged in operating one or more fleets of commercial vehicles in this state and another jurisdiction may register and license each fleet for operation in this state.B. The director may refuse to permit proportional registration of vehicles based in a jurisdiction that does not grant proportional registration privileges to fleet vehicles based in this state.C. A person may proportionally register and license a vehicle pursuant to this article by filing an application with the director. The execution of the application is subject to penalties of perjury for false statements. The application shall contain the following information and other information pertinent to vehicle registration as the director requires: 1. Total fleet miles determined as follows: (a) The total number of miles operated in all jurisdictions during the preceding year by the power units in the fleet.(b) If a fleet is composed entirely of trailers or semitrailers, the total number of miles that the vehicles were towed on the highways of all jurisdictions during the preceding year.2. In-state miles determined as follows:(a) The total number of miles operated in this state during the preceding year by the power units in the fleet.(b) If a fleet is composed entirely of trailers or semitrailers, the total number of miles that the vehicles were towed on the highways of this state during the preceding year.3. A description and identification of each vehicle of the fleet that is to be proportionally registered in this state during the registration year for which proportional fleet registration is requested.4. For proportional registration of an interstate fleet to be operated in this state for the first time:(a) The mileage data with respect to the fleet for the preceding year in other jurisdictions and the estimated annual mileage for the fleet in this state.(b) If no operations were conducted with the fleet during the preceding year, a full statement of the proposed method of operation and estimates of annual mileage in this state and other jurisdictions.5. The United States department of transportation number and the federal taxpayer identification number.D. The application shall not include as a proportionally registered fleet vehicle a vehicle that is operated exclusively in this state or a vehicle if the sole purpose of its operation in this state is for use in the conduct of intrastate business.E. The department shall not register a vehicle under this article unless it has been or will be proportionally or otherwise properly registered in at least one other jurisdiction during the period for which proportional registration is sought in this state.F. From the applications submitted for proportional registration of an interstate fleet to be operated in this state for the first time, the director shall fix the in-state and total fleet miles to be used in determining the mileage proportion for the fleet and may evaluate and adjust the estimate in the application if the director is not satisfied the estimate is correct.