In your property settlement agreement or decree of dissolution, annulment or legal separation, the court may assign responsibility for certain community debts to one spouse or the other. Please be aware that a court order that does this is binding on the spouses only and does not necessarily relieve either of you from your responsibility for these community debts. These debts are matters of contract between both of you and your creditors (such as banks, credit unions, credit card issuers, finance companies, utility companies, medical providers and retailers).
Since your creditors are not parties to this court case, they are not bound by court orders or any agreements you and your spouse reach in this case. On request, the court may impose a lien against the separate property of a spouse to secure payment of debts that the court orders that spouse to pay.
You may want to contact your creditors to discuss your debts as well as the possible effects of your court case on your debts. To assist you in identifying your creditors, you may obtain a copy of your spouse's credit report by making a written request to the court for an order requiring a credit reporting agency to release the report to you. Within thirty days after receipt of a request from a spouse who is party to a dissolution of marriage or legal separation action, which includes the court and case number of the action, creditors are required by law to provide information as to the balance and account status of any debts for which the requesting spouse may be liable to the creditor. You may wish to use the following form, or one that is similar, to contact your creditors:
Creditor notification
Date: ___________________________________
Creditor name and
Address: ________________________________
Within thirty days after receipt of this notice, you are requested to provide the balance and account status of any debt identified by account number for which the requesting party may be liable to you.
Name: ___________________________________
Address: ________________________________
(printed name)
Agreement with creditor
The parties to this agreement include __________________ and ______________________ who are parties to a dissolution of marriage action filed in ________________ county superior court, Arizona, case number _______________ and ______________ who is a duly authorized representative of __________________ (creditor).
The undersigned parties agree that the debt owed by the parties to ___________________ (creditor) is to be disposed of as follows (check one):
___ The debt is the joint responsibility of the parties, with payment to be made on the following terms: ______________________________________________________
___ The balance of the debt is the sole responsibility of ________________________ and the creditor releases ___________________ from any further liability for that debt, with payment to be made on the following terms: ______________________________________________________________
___ The debt has been paid in full as of this date.
We the undersigned acknowledge this agreement.
Dated: _______________________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
Debtor Debtor
Creditor's representative
Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of ________, _____.
Notary Public
A.R.S. § 25-318