Initiative description
(Insert a description of not more than two hundred words of the principal provisions of the proposed measure or constitutional amendment.)
Notice: This is only a description of the proposed measure (or constitutional amendment) prepared by the sponsor of the measure. It may not include every provision contained in the measure. Before signing, make sure the title and text of the measure are attached. You have the right to read or examine the title and text before signing.
Initiative Measure to be Submitted Directly to Electors
We, the undersigned, citizens and qualified electors of the state of Arizona, respectfully demand that the following proposed law (or amendment to the constitution, or other initiative measure), shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the state of Arizona (county, city or town of ____________) for their approval or rejection at the next regular general election (or county, city or town election) and each for himself says: (terminate form same as a referendum petition.)
"It is unlawful to sign this petition before it has a serial number."
"___________ paid circulator" " ______________ volunteer".
A.R.S. § 19-102