Section 44.19.614 - Methodology(a) When conducting research, acting as a referral service, serving as a forum for ideas, and developing recommendations related to the welfare of women, the commission shall solicit and consider information and views from a variety of constituencies in order to represent the broad spectrum of diversity that exists with respect to possible approaches for meeting women's needs in the state.(b) In formulating the strategy to address the needs of and problems facing children, the commission shall actively solicit advice and information from children and youth of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. The commission shall also seek advice and information from parents and children's services providers, including those with expertise in the areas of mental health, health care, prenatal care, adolescent drug and alcohol treatment, education, special education, early childhood education, early childhood special education, nonprofit funding sources, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, child care, dependence, delinquency and the justice system, minority issues, and family support systems.